
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm aware that pregnant women dream more because of hormones and the fact that we keep waking up at night but I'm having nightmares every single night. They're almost never about the baby but rather I'm In danger but I manage to get through it and survive. I've dealt with zombies, collapsing stairs and alien invasions. I just want to know if I'm the only one thats dealing with this.


  • I have them EVERY night too!!! Mostly nothing to do with baby either lol its crazy
  • I hve nightmares & good dreams but jus woke out of the worst nightmare EVER!!! My 18mo old gt hit by a kar in ths dream I was kryin in the dream so hard tht I woke my bd up he said I was screamin & I had real tears, I was shaking I didnt like tht dream
  • The only dream I had about the baby was the night after I tried to eat broccoli and failed. I dreamed the doctor told me the baby wasn't moving because it was severely malnutritioned and that they were gonna have to hook an iv to the baby while it was still inside me. That shook me to the core.
  • All I have had are nightmares and since I'm pregnant they are very vivid. I'm mostly having zombie nightmares. I had them before but more now and I wake up in a cold swet and shaking thinking there are going to be zombies trying to get into my room. I'm 11 weeks and have yet to have a baby dream -sigh-
  • im 39 weeks n have had maybe 5 dreams of my baby other than that the dreams have just been wild! just last night i dreamt of a giant snake trying to eat a cat n a croud of people were just watching! i woke up freaking out! lol good luck
  • No matter how much danger I am I always end up winning so I just took it as a metaphor. The pregnancy might be hard and I have my concerns but at the end of the day I'm gonna be ok. I'm cool with those dreams but there are the ones that sneak in scare the Hell out of me.
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