tickling a baby hurts them ????

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
i have a friend that had twin boys a few months ago. i took my 6 yr old daughter over to see them and she tickled one of them. she told my daughter"don't tickle them because it hurts them!" has anyone else heard of this???


  • Myth!!! Ur also not supposed to tickle the feet or they have speech problems! Hahah then how they wear socks or get blood work. Come one she prob didn't want her babies touched by a kid
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  • Been tickled my whole life and i don't have any issues. And they would cry if it hurt.
  • I heard once that if its done a lot it can be considered abuse. Where do people get these crazy ideas?
  • edited March 2011
    She probably just didn't want your girl to get carried away and hurt them. Not that she would have but she was just being an over protective new mom and said it in terms that would make your daughter stop. I wouldn't take it personally. It is hard because you know your little one wasn't and wouldn't hurt them but as we all know crazy protective mommy hormones can make us do irrational things.
  • I heard of someone tickling their child to death. I think she's just being protective if the child can't do anything back or respond to say he/she doesn't like it.
  • Tickling can be like torture. Let someone bigger than u hold u down and tickle u. I hate it. She might just be concerned that the child wouldn't understand when to stop which could hurt the kid.
  • Old wives tale! Not true! My kids love being tickled!
  • I thought at first she was being protective also but she said her family dr and babies ped told her that. The baby was smiling and kicking so i dont think he was hurting. I've had many friends and familys babies around all my life and never heard of that so I thought mayb someone else had some insight. Thx guys!
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