im worried confused idk

Last night my boyfriend was driking with his fam they started talking about me smoking while I was boyfriend found out I was smoking a month ago and he had put his hands on me dat same night we separated for about a week I went to stay at my looong horrible story short last night himi and his cousin started having a discussion about that same topic I told him that I was old enuff to make my own decisions and he doesn't understand how hard it is for me to jus walk away from smoking jus like that I had tried believe me im trying my best so. Hard dat I have cut down to one a week with out noone I gues by me telling him dat he got mad and his cousin agreeing w me. Got him even madder so they started getting louder and louder and I was sitting next to him so then he started yelling at me and pointing his finger at me and me being the confrontational person dat I am I came out to him and told him to chill out and llower his mouth and put his hands down idc how many. Beers he I guess he snapped and was thinking dat he wasn't going to be disrespected with his cus there he got up pushed the chair and I almost fell off if I hadn't gotten up quickly and started yelling thank god his bro and cus was there his bro immediately got in between us. .I wanted to move so bad but I couldn't I was shaking I though he was going to do it again everybody got in between us and I finally moved and ran out the house I stood outside for an hr afraid to go in I took a walk. ..idk what to do he's never been violent before not even. When he's drinking but now I dk what gets into him I understand he's mad dat I smoke but It don't give him a right and his mother goes dat I should of jus stay away from him when he's drinking like some how its my fault he gets violent?..I finally came in found him sleeping I showered went to bed this morning he was all huggy and kissy he actually wanted to have something w me before he leave for work...all day I've been thinking...I dont have no one to talk to about this I don't want to worry my mom :(


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