my nose is too strong
Lately I have noticed just how strong smells have gotten. Yesterday I had to light a candle in my room because all I could smell was a strong musky smell coming from my boyfriend. I even made him take a shower before coming to bed. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and couldnt go back to sleep because I could smell his breath. I had to put a Pillow over his face to try and stop the smell. This morning I opened the window in my room and when he asked why it was open I said its cuz he smells. Now he's getting offended and taking it to heart. Am I being mean? I haven't made fun I have just told him my nose is sensitive and his smell is strong
That being said, do you know ridiculous I look trying to clean up after my dogs when I walk them? I gag and dry heave while I pick up the poop, and the entire way to the poop bin. I even hold the damn bag at arm's length! At least the dogs poop near the disposal bin.