I toot constantly, but it never smells. & I for real burp like a grown man now haha I feel disgusting, but its very common with prego ladies. You should find the funny stories about it all on here (I can't remember the name) but omggg, it had me in tears I was laughing so hard! Makes ya feel better (:
I do. I mean I always had gas, mainly around the holiday season (gassy fattening foods). Here lately, though, its been out of control. And wooo the smell, but not all the time.
Burping wise. I burp like man. Always have though (all my life lol), but now the burps are coming out of nowhere for reason.
Its because of the progesterone, the hormone that makes the smooth muscles of the uterus relax also makes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract relax, causing gassy build-up. So take it easy, ladies, and let 'er rip! XD
Lol. I just do it because I hate when people toot and don't say anything especially when it smells like something died. There were times I didn't say anything. Though.
Burping wise. I burp like man. Always have though (all my life lol), but now the burps are coming out of nowhere for reason.