
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone else have gas like tooting and burping and does it smell ronchy?


  • I toot constantly, but it never smells. & I for real burp like a grown man now haha I feel disgusting, but its very common with prego ladies. You should find the funny stories about it all on here (I can't remember the name) but omggg, it had me in tears I was laughing so hard! Makes ya feel better (:
  • edited February 2011
    I do. I mean I always had gas, mainly around the holiday season (gassy fattening foods). Here lately, though, its been out of control. And wooo the smell, but not all the time.

    Burping wise. I burp like man. Always have though (all my life lol), but now the burps are coming out of nowhere for reason.
  • Yeahh it makes me feel bad for my husband but I can't help it my tummy is just so gasy and hurts from the gas so I gotta let it out
  • edited February 2011
  • Its because of the progesterone, the hormone that makes the smooth muscles of the uterus relax also makes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract relax, causing gassy build-up. So take it easy, ladies, and let 'er rip! XD
  • Do you think it maybe be stuff I eat?
  • Could be, but o don't think so. I have the same gassy problem no matter what I eat. Lol
  • edited February 2011
    @Mythica I hear you. I let loose but I do warn just incase it smells. The burping not so much, I burp before I even know it or feel it coming.
  • Haha ohh okayy(: I guess my husband will just have to suck it up and suffer haha
  • Lol. You're nicer than me, @LadiiOfCurves lol.
  • My husband says its the worst part of our relationship the smell of them haha
  • Lol. I just do it because I hate when people toot and don't say anything especially when it smells like something died. There were times I didn't say anything. Though.
  • Lol! If that's the worst part, then girl you have a good man. =)
  • Yes he is a good man he puts up with a lot and I'm thankful for that. He's gunna be a proud daddy he's wants a daddys little girl haha
  • Me me me. I actually started a discussion on it the other day lmao cause its real bad..oh well I'll take that over sickness anyday x
  • Yeahh I've had tthrowing up but I feel nausea a lot lately and if I'm not mauseated then I'm sooooo tired
  • @cheryl74 I feel ya. I can't stand the feeling of throwing up. I hate how I feel afterwards.
  • @ladieofcurves tell me about it. Major phobia of sick lol. I'll take anything over sick x
  • @cheryl74 Aw. Well except diarrhea.
  • @ladiiofcurves nope lol, I'll even take that lol x
  • edited February 2011
    @cheryl74 Wow. LOL. Okay.
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