im 29 weeks pregnant and my ankles swell up sooo bad any relief or remedies please help!!!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Im a cashier at Walmart and by the end of shift my back is killing me and my ankles are sooo swollen I need some help any ideas and remedies are appreicated!!!!!


  • Can you sit in a high stool and get off your feet as much as possible, while your at work? Orrr ask about just being the door greeter till u deliver, you can sit down :)
    Drink alot of water, watch salt intake and rest your legs as much as possible. If u see signs of swelling anywhere else, face, hands,call doc asap that could be (preclampsia).
  • Im on mt feet all a hairdresser...I gave to wear kneehigh compression stockings...they really do help...try them and drink lots of water! Then just be lazy when u get home....put your feet up! Good luck!
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