feels like my monthly

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Im due in 22 days and for the past couple of days it feels like my monthly is coming no cramps just that long annoying feeling like its there and then it finally comes. Is that normal I don't remember having this with my other two


  • I'm having the same thing. It's worse today than it's been.

  • I have 4 weeks to go and I also feel like thday, but with the cramps. Also the back ache. Is this considered contractions or bradley hicks?
  • *bump ! having the same thing
  • I'm guessing its normal,, I've been doing it for a cpl weeks, and I'm having my baby on Tuesday. Like low period cramps.
  • I guess it is normal too, I started feeling like that yesterday and I'm still feeling like that.
  • @Edubsbaby if the cramps and your backache happen at the same time and if your belly is getting hard too it could be contractions...if they start coming quicker and strong then its def contractions if not is braxton hicks
  • They finally stopped hurting. Thank you @CrumbledCookie, I wasnt sure what the difference was. I moved positions and it went away.
  • @Edubsbaby no problem i had to figure it out too cause it was hard for me to tell
  • Ive got 6 weeks to go an been havin the same :-/ ohhh joyyyy :-)
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