does pregnancy show up in a drug test?

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
Me and my boyfriend are ttc and tomorrow would be the day af is due and I have pregnancy symptoms so I'm hopeful that I am.. but today I had to take a drug test for a new job that is really good; I've never done any drugs before so I'm not worried bout that I'm just worried if I am pregnant it'll show up then they wont hire me :/ ..does anyone have any idea if it'll show up or not in a drug test?


  • only.if they where specifically tesring for it
  • Do you think employers would do that?.. and not tell you?
  • I highly doubt it...if they got caught that could be a BIG lawsuit...they can't discriminate
  • Alright good; I was getting worried thanks ladies :)
  • Employers can't get to invasive with their drug testing. Plus its illegal to not hire a woman because she's preggo. You'll be fine. :D
  • :) one more question.. let's say I get the job and I'm pregnant (would be the best day ever) but when and how should I tell the employer?
  • I would wait until 12 weeks when ur kinda out of the woods. Unless ur a nurse or work with hazardous chemicals, in that case I would tell right when u know.
  • Thank ya!
  • The only reason they wouldnt hire u when preggo is if theres alot of heavy lifting, hazardous chemicals etc, but they cant not give u the job because of bein preggy xx
  • I'm not trying to be a downer but if you haven't been officially hired yet they can turn you down for the job no matter what the reason. It's harsh but at the same time if it goes to court they can claim that they didn't hire your for other reasons. It is illegal though for them to fire you because you're pregnant.
  • Also it may not hurt to be honest & up front with them about the pregnancy because if you're not & they hear it from somebody else that could make you look bad in their eyes because they didn't hear it directly from you. Just make sure when you tell them you reassure them that you are serious about your job & you won't let it affect your work.
  • @loubylou its not its a desk job

    @starKrayzie they gave me an offer and I've been filling put paperwork online and stuff for new hires. Its officially official when I pass my drug test and background check (which ill find out in 10 buisness days). And I don't know for sure if I'm pregnant or not yet but af is due today so we will see wat happens. But you thubj I should tell them as soon as I find out or wait till the 1st trimester is over?
  • Think*
  • You should wait to tell them until Ur out the woods when Ur out Ur first trimester
  • I would just tell the person who's in charge so it doesn't look like you were dishonest or trying to hide it. I understand you're not sure yet but even if it turns our you're not it would be best to let them know you're trying.
  • But wat if I don't get the job bcuz of it?.. cuz I really need this job is really good pay and would help me and my boyfriend out alot.
  • Its perfectly acceptable to wait until you are 12 weeks. That way you can show your employer that you are a good employee. If you tell them right off the bat then they could make up some b.s. reason and fire you. Its up to you but I would personally wait.
  • You would have a hard time proving that was the reason why they didn't hire you. Especially now - there are so many great unemployed candidates all they would have to say is they chose someone else. You couldn't prove it was because you were preggo.
  • Good points I'm goin to wait till I'm atleast 12weeks then. Thank youu so much =)
  • Do you get medical benefits from your job?
  • @starKrayzie Yes I do on the first day of employment.
  • You have to consent to the test and what they are testing for will be on the paper, narcotics, alcohol. They don't test for prescription meds, vitamins or pregnancy. Its a general test that won't show even the type of narcotics, some prescription meds are narcotic which requires another test to determine what it is that was found if narcotic comes up positive. I've hired and sent enough people for testing to know. Good luck
  • You are not required to ever tell your employer because they cannot discriminate you for it. You can tell them whenever you feel comfortable telling them. You could tell them on your first day, second week, or a month from when you start. If you have bad morning sickness or need to miss a few days due to appointments, etc. You should tell them sooner so they are more understanding. They are not allowed to fire a pregnant woman. :) best of luck! I hope you get your BFP!
  • @Little1Cashew thank youu that's good to know :)

    @kayleesmommy thanks I hope I get a positive even tho I'm afraid to test in fear of getting a negative :/ I mean af hasn't come yet and she was due yesterday so that's good :) so I'm thinking bout testing on tomorrow or in a couple more days :) fingers crossed!
  • You can test anytime and I think you would get your answer!!! Id use clearblue digital when you decide to test and first mornings urine!!! Best of luck and let me know! :)
  • I know a couple that the gf pees for her bf and they tested his urine for drugs at work and said congrats your pregnant so I guess its possible depending on what test they use.
  • As a recruited I wouldn't tell them untill your at least 12 weeks.... if you can wait longer than do it. But atleast wait 90days!
  • @kayleesmommy I'm goin to test tomorrow morn and ill let youu kno!

    @kara_lamek are you serious? =/ was kinda job was he testin for? Cuz mine is just a call center desk job
  • @aneu drug tests do not test for pregnancy. They test for THC, cocain, meth, heroin, ecstacy. If they send you to a clinic they wont test for pregnancy either. This is illegal!
  • Yay!! Good luck! I hope you get your positive!!! Like I said before though, you don't have to worry about them testing you for pregnancy because its illegal, and when you tell them you are pregnant, they CANNOT fire you. :)
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