Birth Story *UPDATE* figured pics out!

edited September 2012 in Birth Stories
@1stWoodsBaby your adorable son is my baby's birthday buddy so I'm tagging you! Haha

Archer Kole was born on Sept 24th at 4:24 pm. He weighed 7lbs1oz and was 20&1/2inch long! I was induced at roughly 6:00 am. At first I was handling everything like a champ- until the pitocin kicked my tail so hard my body went into massive freakout mode (I made it through contractions by breathing and rocking, but then my blood pressure dropped so far I'd shake uncontrollably and almost faint with no chance to recover) and started affecting my poor bubby. I was being tossed around like a mixed fruit salad trying to get his heart rate back up (turns out the cord was around his neck, too). I gave in to the epidural this time just so I wasn't panicking about my son while trying to survive pit contractions. It took meabout 5 hours to get to a 5. At 11 they did the epi, and I went to an 8 in 45 minutes! No more issues until I hit 9 and they gave me oxygen because I wasn't breathing "well enough." Anyhoo, I was a full 10speed for about 30 minutes and labored him down a bit further, then pushed him out in about 10-15 minutes- no pain, NO TEARING!!!! So different than with the twins, and I never got that awful "paralyzed" feeling that I thought I would with an epi. I still feel like a champ, though. Lol and either way, he's so perfect! And we figured out why he was vomiting- fixed it, and he's doung amazing! So so amazingly blessed :)

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