stretch marks

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
im 36 weeks and have gained atleast 60 lbs!! how many more stretch marks can one body have!


  • I am covered don't wry they lightin up though and they are hereditary so if ur mom or grandma had them u will too
  • bio oil makes them go away(:
  • I am at 33 weeks and covered with stretch marks, I know how you feel. I used to get so upset about my ruined body, but my husband is so supportive I feel a little better about it. I don't think all the hormones helped any. I havr been using tea tree oil and it seems to be lightening them already.

    @mommyof3boys Its weird that you say stretch marks are hereditary. I have heard that before but my mom and grandmas (on both sides) didn't have them.
  • Ya my mom had horrible stretch marks n I an 32week n aint got none yet...hopefully I wont but its all jus part of pregnancy
  • Stretch marks are not hereditary

    They may be hereditary, but it can also depend on a number of things. Either way, it's sort of just luck of the draw.. :(
  • I just recently discovered stretch marks on the back on my knees. Fan-f-ing-tastic!
  • I have them from my sides to my bellybutton, the back of my knees, my butt and boobs:(
  • Well I'm happy 35 wks wit just some on my side. But I had those before I got pregnant. Palmers Shea Butter works wonders. I use it faithfully
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