You know you are pregnant when....



  • When Victoria's Secret is a bad word, and sports bras are heaven
  • @milf I never leave the house without a packet of oatmeal and some crackers! Ha ha
  • When random ppl put their hands on your belly and constantly ask you questions, and feel the need to provide you with outrageous amounts of repetitive unwanted advice.
  • @myhusbandtheginger I agree...I went from Victoria secret bras to kmart bras
  • A fart slips out while walking down the hallway and you play it off like your hip popped lol :)
    & your ready for lunch @ 10am
  • You go pee, get comfortable only to realize you have to pee again lol
  • you get busted by hubby drinking pickle juice prior to eating a whole lot of oreos.
  • When the woman who hated you(mother in law) is suddenly ur best friend
  • Lol @mscheyla that just cracked me up!!
  • You learn the true meaning of bloated...
    When you have more mood swings then a teen getting her period for the first time....
    When not being able to shave your let's makes you cry
  • Lol when your body starts looking like a road map in LA
  • hate your full length mirrior,trade jack and coke for prenantial vitamins and milk,notice every public restroom in a 10 mile radice and get angry when you ask ur s/o if the mens room had a changing station and he says no.
  • @kaylamae yeah, I'm glad it worked when it happened
  • When one minute you are hot the next you are cold the next,you are nausiated then hungry and then exhausted at the thought of it all within 5 min.

    Oh and when you are in a store and can't hold your fart and blame it on your kid or a kid by you lol
  • When you throw up and ten minutes later your hungry again.
  • when you wake up in the morning and every muscle hurts and suprise you didnt work out the day before
  • U cry at the dumbest things then five min later your normal.
  • Some of these just crack me up! But my hormones are normally as bad as some of you ladies describe, so:

    When my mood swings mellow out, when I start losing weight unexpectedly, and when whoever buys my next jar of pickles becomes my best friend for the next ten minutes. XD lol
  • 1. Fight with your boyfriend for any reason.
    2. You have the nose of a Bloodhound.
  • When you sleep all night and wake up just as tired as you were when you
  • When you sleep all night and wake up just as tired as you were when you fell asleep the night before
  • 1. Fight with your boyfriend for any reason.
    2. You have the nose of a Bloodhound.
  • Your nightstand looks like the medicine isle at walgreens... Tums, tylenol, prenatals, iron pills, dha supplements... Ha ha
  • You start crying over a song u heard in the radio... not just a fee tears in ur eye either... full in crying. And then feel rly stupid about it and cry again cuz ur so emotional
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