1st pregnancy

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm only 10 weeks, but I'm curious to know when women usually start to show a little baby bump? :)


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  • Aww that's cute! Can't wait :)
  • I am 5 months and you can't really tell, its still questionable. Depends on your body
  • edited March 2011
    I was 3 months when I started to show a lil bump:-) this is my firstnow I'm 36 weeks and look like I'm ready to POP lol congrats!
  • I'm always hungry! Lol but I definitely try eating pretty healthy, snacking on fruits and veggies, but my bf and I always talk about the day I'll start to show :D
  • I was about 11w but it was questionable. Now I'm almost 15w and when I'm standing I defiantly look preggers but when I lay down flat its just a small bulge lol. This is my 1st but I'm super skinny and tall. Ur time will come mama don't worry :) congratulations btw
  • Im 11weeks still not showing either but im excited for when I do start to
  • I'm 12wks and it seems over night I popped out I'm loving it tho
  • Thank you very much ladies. Definitely exciting. Good luck to all :)
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