the elite club of women who have natural births

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
I feel like the women who have experienced natural birth are so rare that we belong to this elite group, like a justice league of moms :) I often feel so much sympathy for women who were either scared or forced into using any kind of drug to give birth. As a young woman I have accomplished so many things in my life, but nothing compares to the birth of my son. I feel like super mom knowing I brought him into this world through my own hard work and strength. Kudos to all the super moms and soon to be super moms who are doing all natural birth!


  • I have given birth to my last 3 without anything and plan on doing the same with this one. I think it's amazing to be completely aware of what's going on and to feel and experience it all.
  • I almost had natural with no drugs till my daughter got stuck [-(
  • I'm sorry :( are u planning to go natural for ur next baby?
  • I'm planning on going natural :) this is my first and probably last baby, so why not? I just don't like getting criticized for my decision.
  • Had natural with my first, I planned it with my 2nd but had to have an emergency c-section. Now my doc says once a c, always a c :(
  • I ended up having to have meds for my first daughter cuz I wasn't breathing durning contractions :( but was able to have natural birth with my 2nd daughter and am gonna try with this one too :)
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  • No pain meds here!!! I went natural for number 3 and I thought it was easier. This time im planning natural again
  • I've given birth 4 times going on #5 in July. My first & third I had epidurals & second & fourth no pain meds. And my 4th was my easiest. I had a 9lb 7oz baby girl 12 days early and labor was induced early due to her large size with pitocin and she was out in 2 pushes with no cuts or tears. I used a birthing ball and loved it. Can't wait to go natural again. Just hope its as quick & easy as baby #4,lol. Good luck mommy's to be.
  • I must admit I wanted the drugs but I waited to long to go to the hospital (with my second baby) and I wasn't able to safely have any administered due to where I was in the labor process and I am so glad. She just seems more alert and aware then other babies her age who's mothers had drugs during labor. This isn't just me saying this it is the other mom's I have talked to, plus she was three weeks early. It may just be a coincidence but who knows.
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  • I have had two 9 lb babys natural no pain meds and plan to do the same with this one which they believe to already be well over 9 lbs
  • I had an all natural birth with my first. I'm due with my second in June and hope I can have the same great experience. Everyone told me I couldn't do it. I guess I showed them.
  • I am planning to get meds as SOON as I can and am NOT ashamed whatsoever...people need to stop judging just because others have different thoughts on different things.
  • I went all natrural with all three of my sons now on baby # 4 I looking forward on doing it again
  • I felt forced into taking drugs I know I could have done it without it and so this time im doing it my way!
  • I went all natural with both my boys and plan on doing the same this time I have great midwives who are such good support for getting threw the pains of labor and my hubby is amazing I'm actually looking forward to labor with this one 26 weeks to go
  • I gotta have csection again! :'(
  • Had my second with nothing and gonna do the same with this one. Hoping for a water birth x
  • I'm sorry but I don't think that just because you chose a natural birth you belong to an elite club. It's the woman's choice whether to use drugs or not... and regardless of what you choose the ONLY thing that matters is that a health baby was born. I don't think it's something to brag about.
  • I had my son naturally, however, I don't feel like an "elite". All women who have kids gave birth one way or another and birth is not easy no matter how one does it. I understand being proud of sticking with your decisions. I think we should all be proud!
  • I agree that it is judgmental, or at least can definitely be taken that way. The entire 2nd sentence could have been omitted.

    I'm considering a natural birth, but because I talked to three friends who've had kids, who all said they hated pitocin and that if you get one drug, you get pitocin. I'll be looking into it. Whatever my decision, I don't believe there is anything different about anyone because of how they chose to deliver...
  • @doodles thank u.that was extremely considerate of u.I have had both natural and with epidural.this will be my 5th and haven't decided yet which way I will go.I respect everyone in what they choose.all of us have brang our children into this world through our hard work and strength.what about the ppl who have had to have c sections do they not deserve credit either.I believe we all do!!!KUDOS to all the mommies no matter what u choose.
  • I plan on going natural with my twins as well, I always have
  • Ladies! Play nice. She's expressing how she feel. Never once did she say u r less than a woman because u had drugs. It's an experience to most women that do without. Yes child birth alone is an experience but come on now. If u don't like her post u were not forced to read it or comment. That's y we have so much negativity n hatred on this forum. Don't take things so personally
  • edited March 2011
    It was never ment to criticize but only to commend natrual birth moms. And when I say I feel sorry for moms forced, I think of my cousin who has heart problems and was forced to do things a certain way. I'm very pro women having a choice for birth plans. Some women have to do drugs that doesn't make you less of a awesome mom, its just a different experience from all natural. No judgment passed...
  • @marriedwith_3 I agree all she is saying is that not to many choose natural. Whatever your choice so be it but don't get upset because someone is trying to related to those who choose natural. Everyone is brave in facing childbirth because there are so many things that can go wrong. I'm proud of everyone for sticking it out. Good luck everone and God Bless.
  • There is a difference in trying to relate with a certain group and proclaiming that one side of the group belongs to an elite club.
  • I feel like super mom because I am able to grow another human inside my body. And this is the third time I am doing this, I don't care what the process is of getting that child out of my womb. I personally prefer an epidural, but that is my personal choice.
  • Maybe if the word elite wasn't used people wouldn't be getting mad. I didn't find it offensive or judgemental at all, just saying yay for natural birth which is something that not everyone can do.
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