Please tell me your baby survived!

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Hello Ladies, I have so much confusion and sadness going on because of what discomfort I'm feeling. I recently found out that I am 5 weeks pregnant and instantly I started to feel pelvic pain, mild cramping and brown spotting only when I use the restroom. I went to the ER and was told that I am only 3 weeks so they saw no baby during an ultrasound. My blood test determined that I was 3 weeks pregnant. They gave me pain pills and I was sent home. Did anyone have these same issues and was still blessed to have their baby survive or did a miscarriage follow? I need hope...


  • It sounds like implantation bleeding u should be fine I wouldn't be worried unless it is bright red blood. And pelvic pain can also be from implantation it usually happens around 3 weeks
  • At four weeks I started having pelvic pain, I have spotted red blood once, light pink a week later. Last week at 9 weeks 3 days I found out I have blood clots in my uterus, but thru all of that the baby is just fine. I hope that helped. I'll pray hope all is well with you and your baby.
  • Be patient my dear, doctors did the same thing to me n they actuallyr didnt see anything till 6 & 3 days! Sometimes is too early! Oh n no heavy or extraonous work or lifting! Take it east till they see ur baby! Congratulations!
  • It's normal to have spotting especially that early in pregnancy. I say don't worry unless it's red blood & a lot of pain. I had period like cramps, discomfort, and light pink spotting when I went pee in weeks 5-7 of my pregnancy. I'm almost 10 wks now & everything is so far, so good. Good luck & wishin u a healthy pregnancy! :-)
  • *almost 11 wks I mean
  • I am soooo happy I found this forum. You ladies just don't know how much I've been crying. I'm so afraid to pee, walk, sit up etc...i have my first appointment with my OBGYN tomorrow. I pray that my pregnancy hormones double from the numbers at the ER.
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  • My doc did a vaginal ultrasound and didn't see nothing went bk 3 days later and turned out I was 8 weeks 4 days. Am almost 13 weeks now. I had bleeding on the beginning only when i went to the bathroom doc said it was fine . It's actually really hard to see anything if Ur 3 weeks I would just take it easy stay hydrated and take Ur vitamins
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  • This is soooo comforting. I had a vaginal ultrasound last friday and that's when they saw nothing. My blood test said I was 3 weeks but ever since I had the vaginal ultrasound I've been spotting almost every shade of red blood and I am cramping some now...i am so afraid...
  • edited March 2011
    Implantation bleeding only occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus at 3-4weeks as in before or when you are missing your period before any hcg is produced and you can't detect on any test you are preg yet. Very few women will have this, yet bleeding in early pregnancy is common. At 5w the baby is only 2-3w gestational age, this doesn't include the first 2w of your cycle before ovulation, that is why they told you 3w old. Any bleeding after that some doctors call it implantation bleeding because they don't know their terminology. At 5 weeks an ultrasound may not detect a baby but should see something in there. Try to get a transvaginal ultra sound in a week at 6w to see if the heart is beating this is the week it starts to.
  • Crying soooo hard!! I wish I was just as lucky as you ladies but I'm losing my baby...obgyn just did a papsmear and all this blood ran im crying and waiting.....why me???? This hurts...
  • I had a mc last year if u want to talk let me know. You will get pregnant again. I know that is hard to hear right now because I've been through it. But almost exactley a year after I lost my little peanut im ten weeks now and it took me sooo long to get pregnant again I never thought it would happen again. The dr told me that one out of every three pregnancies results in a miscarrage. It took me a full year to realize it, but I am actually thankfull as oppose to resentfull and angry because something was wrong and my body was just doing what it was supposed to so. I hope that u get better soon and of you want to talk I am here for u!
  • Thank you so much for extending your kindness to me. My heart is soooo broken! I finally came home from being in the hospital and the final results are in...My pregnancy was terminated, my baby left my body. Now I'm left with tears, cramps and every sad feeling imaginable...
  • In Dec 2006 the doctors saw a massive ovarian tumor and no baby. I have a wonderful
    3 yr old daughter who made it through surgery to remove that vary during my pregnancy. It's amazing what can happen.
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