need help....back labor

I am 37 weeks with my 5th kid but I have never had back labor. What does it feel like? And does your baby move still if it is labor?


  • Back labor is the worst! At least for me it was. With my daughter I never felt a contraction in my belly just constant, indescribable back pain. With my other 2 it was the regular pain in the stomach contractions. But back labor felt like an elephant stomping on nails into hot coals on my back! It was honestly the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life. I wish that on NO ONE!!!
  • Did the pain progress? Like my back hurt a little this morning and it has gotten worse. Almost to the point of I can't walk.
  • Yes I agree with @jackieleemommyto4. It is the most horrible pain in the world. Nothin seemed to ease it for me. Way worse than belly contractions
  • I had back labour with my son. I'd never heard of it. It went on for a few hours and I eventually said this is getting unbearable when does real labour start (because I was waiting for stomach contractions) the midwife did an internal and said you're 9 cm! It did hurt but I don't know any different cos that was my first and only experience so far. Maybe this one will be tummy and it might be less painful lol
  • For me it did. Once I was in active labor it went from hell to literally me praying to die. Sounds dramatic, I can handle pain pretty well, but it got to that point!
  • Jojo30 I hope you get belly contractions this time...once you do you will cringe thinking of back labor! Once again I wish back labor on no one, and if you are having it, I suggest getting all the pain meds they offer!
  • Can the baby still move a little? Im just trying to figure out if this labor or just back pain. My normal back pain was in my hips this is like the small of my back in the lower area.
  • You will definatly kno if its back labor. Feels like your back is jammed up and u cant move . I was in too much pain to notice if baby moved or not
  • It hurts but im up walking around. I wanna sit in a warm bath.
  • Go ahead. It may help. If not, call your dr
  • OK thank ladies.......I feel dumb for asking but I've never had back labor.
  • Dont feel dumb. Thats what we are here for. Goodluck and keep us updated
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