hcg levels not moving fast enough

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I went to the doc. two days ago bc I was having pain. I had a vaginal u/s done to make sure I wasnt having a having a tubal pregnancy. they saw a yolk sac but no fetal pole. went back today to have more blood work done. the doc said my hcg has gone up but not like it should have. I'm going back tomorrow for more test to be done. has this happened to anyone? I can't help but worry. I'm 5 weeks.


  • What were your hcg levels?
  • I don't remember but he did say that in 2 days it should have doubled and it didn't. it went up by 1000
  • I am going through the exact same thing that you are going through right now except that I am having pain on my right side and they think that it is ectopic. My levels aren't increasing like they should be but yet there not sure of everything yet. I have had two ultra sounds done but they still say its to early to see anything on the ultrasound yet they say I'm approximately 5 weeks
  • Im having pain too. I've had a miscarriage before so I'm scared. I'm trying to stay positive but its hard.
  • edited March 2011
    Try not to worry, my first appt I was supposed to be 5 weeks and my dr did an abdominal u/s and we saw nothing. I was so sad since I had a mc last year. My dr had me do the hcg test the 1st test came back at 191 and I was told that num was.a little low so I freaked out I went back in 48 hours and my number went up to 500. The dr said I wasn't as far along as we thought, I finally got to hear my lil seeds hb 2 weeks ago at 6 weeks. Good luck to you, hope all goes well.
  • thanks and ill try not to worry. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow so I will keep you all posted.
  • Yes, def let us know;)
  • hey you guys. I went to the doc. today n they said everything looks great!
  • @taytaydadiva- yaaaayyyy!!! Congrats:)
  • thanks hun. I'm so happy. theyre keeping an eye on my hcg levels though.
  • Congrats glad all is looking up for you, my new doctor said that she thinks I might not be as far along as thought either and she thinks my pain is mostly from an overly enlarged cyst. I am so hoping she is right so I can be as happy and stress free as everyone else!
  • I am praying for u @GuinsMommy. Gl w the new doctor
  • Thank you @3girls_0boys I can use all the prayers I can get.
  • I'm praying for you too. good luck hun!
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