Ectopic pregnancy.....choice HELP.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I am approximately 5 weeks pregnant and I have excruciating pain on my right side I went to the ER and they talked to all the ob doctors and just sent me home with an appointment tomorrow. They told me that it is about 80% probable that I have an ectopic pregnancy and they told me about a pill you can take that would kill the baby fetus and stop it from growing and causing more problems.

Would any of you chose to take the pill?

The way I see it is that taking a pill is a choice and that I am not going to chose to kill my unborn baby no matter how much pain it puts me in. I would rather wait until there is no other option than surgery.

How do you guys feel about this?


  • Do not wait til there is no other option I had a ectopic april 28 2010 had to have emergency surgery and had to have my left tube removed because it ruptured
  • Sorry to hear about that. I would wait to see what happens tomorrow at the doctors....don't even over analyze it until you know for sure. But I don't think its safe to wait if it is an ectopic, you don't want your tube to burst bc it could be really dangerous for and painful.
  • U can die and the baby. I would take the pill if u are sure It's ectopic
  • @twin angels tgr Med is methotrexate. I had to have the same in October.
  • I had two ectopics in 06 and last year. It was hard to let them give me a shot knowing what it was doing to my baby, but I knew there was NOTHING they could do to save the baby. I had to save myself (it is life threatening to leave an ectopic and let it contiinue to grow) and my fututr fertility! So do you!! I know its hard, it was the hardest thing I've ever done, in fact when I went for this babies check upbthey tried to put me in the same room as the one i was in when the gave me the methatrexate shot. I refused to go in, started crying and had to explain to the MA what was going on. It is a pain that is with you emotionally long after the physical heals. BUT you will get through it, and if you take the medicine yu can prvent surgery, loss of your tubes, loss of your fertility. I will be hoping that they are 80% wrong and your bby is right where it needs to be. Keep us updated!
  • @twinangels your welcome. My doctor did a dnc AND the methotrexate just to make sure there was nothing in my uterus bc I was having pain and my levels were rising but only 10points at a time. No baby, sac or anything...
  • Make sure cause I was told with this pregnancy was a ectopic & I felt deep down they was wrong & they was trying to make me take a pill I said no! Sure enough I was right & they was wrong I'm 20wks 2days now I'm having a baby boy get a second opinions!
  • @twinangels not necessarily. Mine just didn't want to listen when I told him I had already passed everything.
  • @havingthethird1 what was your symptoms and pain and so on. I feel like I'm still pregnant but I have really bad cramping on the right side and in my lower back and really light bleeding
  • @guinsmommy I had pain on my left side really bad & when they did a sonogram they said they see the sac but no baby. I wasn't bleeding tho but I had pains. Hope that helps & good luck...
  • It isn't a choice between killing your baby or letting it live--your baby isn't going to live if it's not in your uterus. I hope that you find out that they're wrong, I can't imagine your pain, but if they're correct you shouldn't risk your life and your fertility for a pregnancy that can't possibly progress. I'm so sorry.
  • I had the shot as well when I was 9 weeks along. It seemed to be the hardest thing I ever done and I cried right after I got it. But having the choice of living and being with my kids and having more children was more important to me than saving something what wouldn't make it. I still don't feel right about it but on the end you don't have a choice and with the pill/shot you are rather able to get pregnant without any problems again.
  • I wouldn't do anything with a pill....i work in ob/gyn AND had an ectopic in april of last year....its emotionally me and the rest of us...we've been there....i had surg to remove the ectopic and they were able to save my tube...unfortunately 6 weeks later I was still chemically pregnant which meant they had missed a small piece of the ectopic by not removing my tube...then I had to have the methotrexate injection on top of the lap/d&c.....anyway my point is the drs I work for took extra good care of me and they never mentioned anything about a pill!
    Go to the ob and get all your options!!! There may be a new development with a pill in the past few months....but just get the ob opinion instead of just the er dr is my advice!! Good luck and I'm very sorry!
  • I thought that the pill was a different form of the shot. Yeah your ob will know a lot more than the er doctors.
  • I had the same thing just on the left side, they have mgr a ultrasound seen something in my tube, told me to wait a eel, get another ultrasound and see what happens. They offered me the pill two times before I went back. My husband its the one who told me not to do it. So I waited and found out I was just super early, I even know now I ovulated and got pregnant off the left side, and we seen the baby in my tube. (well something in my tube the baby was still to small to see) andnow I'm almost 13 weeks.
  • Did they give you an ultrasound hun? If they did and they seen a sac, then in NO WAY is it an ectopic! Some people don't know that, but its true. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you will NOT have a sac in your uterus as the baby grows in the sac, if the baby never made it to the uterus, there wouldn't be a sac. With an ectopic you usually have pain in your shoulder (one or the other) when you lay down because the blood pools more when you lay down. If you have the shoulder/back pain sitting or standing, its likely not ectopic. I too went through a er doctor thinking the same thing when I was 5 weeks pregnant. My ob had me come in the next morning and we seen a sac in my uterus which means it is NOT an ectopic. Im now 29 weeks 1 day with my second little girl. Best of luck hun and keep us updated.
  • I had been given two ultrasounds within two days of each other and all the doctors said was that it was to early to see any baby yet and that my right ovary was enlarged and they weren't sure why yet but just figured that it was an ectopic pregnancy in my right ovary. But I went to the doctor today and he said by reading my chart from the er and what not that it was probably best to treat it now with the shot but yet they still were unsure about everything but yet they didn't do anything to check any other possibilities. But he gave me a choice to wait 24 hours to have my hcg levels tested again because I was no longer in pain. So I opted to wait and now I have an appointment with another doctor tomorrow to get a second opinion. Hoping for the best at this visit but we can never know.
  • You should be seeing a sac soon. I seen mine at 5 weeks 2 days. I wouldn't do the shot or give up hope, especially until the second opinion!! With an ectopic, you are usually in constant pain, so that your pain let up, is a sign its not an ectopic. I hope and pray you get good news tomorrow hun! Keep us updated!
  • Update! So I went to another doctor today and at first she was leaning towards ectopic pregnancy as well but then she got my records from the other clinic and consulted With the other doctors and said that she was just not seeing the same thing that those doctors were. So she had me get more blood work to check my levels and see if they are still rising. What she said is that I am not as far along as expected right now and that she thinks its just a cyst on my ovary that grew to big. I have another appointment tomorrow to keep checking and make more decisions. Hoping she is soooooo right and everything works out just fine.
  • Good luck!!! I hope that doctor is right!!
  • Well I did truly have an ovarian pregnancy as well as an extremely large cyst. The reason none of the drs saw it was because of the cyst, it was 7 cm to big to see anything behind it. Now that it has gone down they found the area where I had a rupture I guess that what blood that leaked out was walled off and clotted where its at, I now have a blood clot just in my body by my ovary about 2-4 cm in diameter. So now in a week another appointment to see if everything is still going back to normal or not. Thank you all for your support it is greatly appreciated.
  • Bless you, woman! You are strong!
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