birthing techniques anyone?

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
I'm delivering in a hospital but do not want Tu be confined Tu the bed.... any techniques? I've thought about the birthing stool... Thts about it gonna try Tu go natural maybe just tke a moltrin or something if that still counts as natural


  • I had my daughter naturally (I was induced but used no pain meds) and in all honesty the pain was so intense that I wasn't able to get into any positions besides in bed... I remember at one point I had the urge to squat or sit up and I recall trying to achieve that, but I couldn't due to pain... everyone is different though! I also recall early on in labor having the Jacuzzi tub offered but no sooner than I was in the water was I ready to get out. I didn't like being in pain and being wet... however some women find it relaxing. Just do whatever feels "right" to you and best of luck!
  • I heard that all fours is also a comfortable birthing position. I don't know. Suppose if it feels right it's worth a try.
  • we plan to use squating. It was our plan for our first but I had back labor. Good for you for going all natural. We did all natural for our son and it was the most amazing experience of my life. There are execises that will help you with each position. You have to build your strength in the muscles u will use for your different techniques. We would do butterfly presses, where I would sit on the ground with my feet together hubby would push gently down on my knees and I would work my inter thighs pushing up. We also did a lot of squats. Hubby assisted, my balance was off by that time :s

    Borronbaby, its easier to do natural if you are not induced. Power to You for getting through it without pain meds! If ur planning natural agin check out the business of being born. Its a great vid to help you learn about the affects of the meds they give you...
  • ever consider a water birth?! you should utube some videos...pretty amazing...thats what im aiming for :)
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