spotting 4 days after full period!?

I started my period with spotting on march 3rd ended on the 6th. Now its the 10th and I have a very light pinkish spotting only when I wipe..... what's going on?!


  • Did u take a pt?
  • That Happened to me too!! Last month i spotted for 3 days after and this time it was 2 days late and i spotted again.. IDK what it could be..
  • @mixedmama yea I took a test bfn.... now I feel like I havent even ovulated yet.. tmi...but I have had creamy cm for 3 day now. heartburn which I never get ever.... should I test anyways again? last test was the 10th...
  • maybe a blood test at the doc?? id take.another!! GL & baby dust:)
  • im now 7 dpo I resisted and havent taken another test. I have had constipation...not sure if thats a preg. symptom.....but also cramping all week. ill try to waot till april first to test. af due then.
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