I dont get morning sickness

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I am six weeks and I felt sick like four times so far once I felt like I was gona through up all my insides.. The other three I felt a little sick... Other then that my tummy just feels funny sometimes


  • Take it as a blessing! I found out at aout 6wks and that's was partly why I found out I was puking my lungs up and for me it never stopped. I made 33wks today and im still throwing up! So yes lol if you go with no morning sickness I will envy you! Lol
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  • Oh yea congrats!!
  • I never throw up just sick... But I have the worst gas and it always happens at work when im i a group meeting im also sleepy 24/7
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  • iI six weeks . got sick one time. otherwise I feel great
  • Yw and yea I slept alooot in the beginning never was to gassy just really bad heartburn.
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe all I do is sleep or atleast try.. And Im always thirsty.. Even after I drink like two bottles of water
  • I haven had heartburn yet my heart just races about three times a day
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  • My gas is the worest its like it never goes away... ever
  • I didn't and still don't have morning sickness...Didn't with my first pregnancy either. Had heartburn with the first but I also ate hot foods. No heartburn with this one though...btw I'm 22 weeks.
  • I hope i dont get morning sickness I work in the buisness world and the last thing i need is to get sick in my 3 hour meetings
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  • yeah thats how i am... i feel sick but never throw up
  • I thought it was just me with no mornin sickness.
  • Im almost 16 weeks & Ive thrown up maybe 4 times.Ive had nausea my first trimester but nothing too serious.Im now in my 2nd trimester & I feel great.Try Ginger Ale...sip on it! It worked like a charm for me.Good Luck Hun!
  • I'm 15 weeks today only had a little bit nausea never been sick :D yay lol an old wives tale is hardly any sickness in first trimester means a boy lol x
  • I'm 12 wks & never got morning sickness. I threw up ONE time @ wrk when I was 10 wks. Consider urself lucky like me! :-)
  • @SamiUK don't get my hopes up I really want a boy
  • haha so do i :L find out 5th may :D
  • ill be 6 weeks wed and feel so nauses when i get up and i always feel dizzy in the mornings , . hope i dont get morning sickness , i feel like im going to sometimes
  • I had naseau but threw up only when I smelt somethibg nasty. Im 33 weeks with a boy. Ny friend is havibg a girl and she threw up alot. Old wives tale could be true. :)
  • I haven't thrown up yet, felt sick at times and almost puked once around 10.5 weeks. I'm 11.5 weeks today and feel good. Just sooooo sleepy!
  • I'm 18 weeks and never had morning sickness! I use to worry cause I didn't but the doc said everything is ok, no heartburn
  • @SamiUK don't get my hopes up I really want a boy
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