any one cant sleep at night ...

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
For the life of me I can't fall asleep till 2 or 3 am I tried many things yet no sleep but I am shot during the day any one else have some tips ..


  • I have the same problem my doctor told me to take unisom which is a sleep aid that is safe during pregnancy but talk to your doctor first.
  • Me. Ever since my first pregnancy 5 years ago I've never been able to sleep right. But now that I'm pregnant this time its worse. One of my nostril is like swollen so now I can't sleep nor breathe. It's not fun.
  • We even got a new bed lol my back kills I am only 6 weeks and my other kids this was not a prob ... I just wanted to know if there is other things u would try ..I will talk to the doc ....and thanks for the comments keep them coming
  • Sleep? What's that? Haha I'm the same way! I have my days & nights mixed up, but can't seem to fix them. So I'm awake til about 5-6am & fall asleep til about 11 or 12.. so annoying!
  • Ya I sleep from about 7am to 2pm lol. Luckily I don't work. What I do to help sleep is to stretch my back legs and hips then eat some toast with jelly along with a hot cup of tea to warm my belly. Then pee b4 I get in bed lol so I don't have to get up when I do get comfy. Then I lay in the dark with a fan running to drown out sounds and just hope it works.
  • I find ocean sounds helped me get off to sleep last night. I got a free android app on my phone, set it for 30 minutes and I was out for the count for 6 hours solid. That's the most sleep i've had for the last week. I'd try that before using any drugs. Don't know if it'll work tonight but i'm gonna give it a go. Good luck xxx
  • Nope, no sleeping here. I think id sleep more if I slept on the toilet. :D
  • No sleep here either ever since I waz 5 weeks prego n I have 9 weeks left
  • I've tried sounds, I also have an app.. didn't work. I've tried warm milk.. I've tried a nice bubble bath.. I just cannot get sleepy until I'm completely worn out.
  • I wouldn't do bubble baths cuz they can cause infection to go into ur vagina. And if it gets up into ur cervix it can be bad for baby.
  • Oh wow.. I've heard of bubble baths causing infection, but its never happened & my doc said it could help me get sleepy.. but.. I don't wanna risk it messing with the little one, so no more bubbles! Thank you (:
  • Last night I had trouble...hope that doesn't continue!
  • I just strtd a forum on this 2 days ago. if u c the time it is I'm posting this now (4:18am) u would c I dnt sleep @ night. At first I wud fall asleep @ 2 n den the times keep getting later n later. Now I fall asleep @ 12 or 1pm n sleep till 7 and then I'm up again until 1pm the nxt day. Smh.
  • I feel ya girl.. shewww!
  • Could. Be the b vitamins in the pre natal pills ggiving you extra energy. Try something more gentle like food based vitamins from whole foods or other organic markets. I've been feeling it too.
  • Ya 430am here and not a wink of sleep in almost 24hrs lol and I'm still not sleepy. Gl ladies and sweet dreams if they ever come lol
  • Thank for all the messages ...maybe its just getting us ready for the crazy nights ahead
  • I sleep but then wake up at 4am to let my dogs out and can't fall asleep again ...lay there for ab hour...:(...
  • No sleeping over here either. It seems everything wakes me up or I have to pee all night. It seems my body likes sleeping during the day. Every night at 4am I wake up, no matter how tired I am.
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