this is really happening i think i could puke

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
Okay so I had my dr appt today. And doc went ahead and set up my induction for April the 11th. Omg I am so nervous. I feel like I could puke all over. I know I complained about getting this baby out but its really going to happen. Lol. I just pray that baby and I do just fine.


  • How exciting! You and baby will be just perfect! Try not to worry just focus on how happy you will be to see your babys face! :)
  • Praying for Ya hun. I think its normal to be nervous. Try and focus on the result of it rather than the process!! Good luck babe.
  • U bothll b fine I did the same with my first two now I'm doing it with this one
  • I know things will be okay. I am just so nervous. I should be use to this. I already have 4 and my youngest just turned 13 months old. I guess I'm just over working my mind on everything. Thank you for the prayers.
  • @momof5. Iwent in today and still the same at a 3 and 90% ......I am so ready to have her. Mw said jut wait and see what happens in the next week. Having contractions just not regular or hard enough. I feel like she is gonna be in there forever.
  • @momof6lilones. That's how I am. I'm at a 2 and really thinned. But I'm not due til the 24th of April but since I am on blood thinners they want to induce that way its safe on both baby and me. Which is fine with me. Doc said we could do it at the end of this week if I would have an amnio done and lung development was good. But I think having an amnio is to risky so I would rather just wait and have the induction on Monday.
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