34 weeks &My belly is very small :(

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 34 weeks &I'm very small for my size, My doc said my measuring is where I need to be but I dnt feel lyk I'm growing I hope my baby is growing tho? =/ this is my 3rd pregnancy &I was big wid my 2. My 3rd pregnancy is so diff, should I be worry? I feel lyk I been this size snice 20weeks, I only had one ultrasound wen I was 20weeks. I wana get another one but dnt kno if my doc will give me one..


  • Can you ask or go pay for a 3d one?
  • I wud have to go to oregen to get a 3d, I was going to ask on my nxt appt &see if he will give me one more b4 I have tha baby hopefully =/
  • I hope they give you one :) good luck!
  • Good luck! I hope you get one!
  • Maybe the baby is closer to your back this time? Sigh...I wish pregnancies could be more predictable. :/ This is nothing like it was with my son and my poor bladder is in for a rough time. lol
  • I am 36 weeks and still fit my prepregnancy clothes... My princess is measuring perfectly but i still dont look prego
  • Thanks yu guys (: & @jalem I cnt fit into none of my clothes I think I jus got more wider on my side instead of tha front lol
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  • I'm really small for being 40wks. People still have a shocked look on their face when they ask me. As long as your Dr says you're measuring good, then you shouldn't worry too much about it.
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