One and Done!?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Are there any other first time mommies feeling like they may be done after this? I'm an only child and I've always wanted my baby to have siblings. My boyfriend wants a boy and has made it very clear that he would want to try again if we have a girl. I want a girl and would like to try again if its a boy. I just don't know if I can handle this again. I'm only 9wks and have been nothing but sick for the last 3 or 4. This isn't even the hard part.


  • I said the exact same thing this morning!. im 7w and have been nauseus/actually sick for 2 weeks. my emotional pregnant side just wants to lay in bed all day. hope it gets better for u!
  • Pregnancy is NOT a fun thing for me. I did not enjoy my first pregnancy and so far, I'm not enjoying this one. I actually wanted my kids to be closer in age than they will be, but I dreaded the pregnancy part.
  • I said I was done too around that time.. & I never even got sick.. just moody & always tired. But I'm now 17 weeks, and I see myself doing it again in the future (:
  • I totally feel like this use my 1& only. I'm 30 and already feel like this one is making me feel old. I couldn't imagine going through this again & older
  • This is my first and my last.... I'm so drained and in pain... My mother says she said the same thing with her first and ended up having six kids lol.... Its a beautiful thing and all but never again for me... I'm twelve weeks today according to the app... Goodluck ladies..
  • Every pregnancy is different. I'm 18 weeks 3 days with my first, its a boy and I didn't have any nausea at all. I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 4 months
  • Once there here you will realise it was all worth it.... The pregnancy sucks ass i only wanted one and this is my third lol trust me i hate being pregnant but in a sick way u kinda miss it when your not....ecerything will be ok i hope u all start feeling better soon
  • Kids r so worth every second of how ur feeling now tho... they make u forget about how horrible it can be/was being pregnant. Good luck to all of u.
  • The decision u feel now will probably change when u meet ur bundle of joy. U tend to forget about the pain and the giod overrides all the bad. I had a terriable first pregnancy and awful delivery. infuced.sick for days in hospital.emergency c section. Then put out durning c section. Never seen my child till hrs after birth. But once meetin my son id do it all over again...if course cuz im 24 weeks with baby two...they r so worth all of it
  • I always joke that if I had know just how horribly uncomfortable pregnancy is I would've adopted. And that it's what I'm going to do next time.

    I know deep down that I'm not serious, that I want 2... but good lord. It is horrible. I threw up cleaning dog vomit last night, for goodness sake. Who does that?
  • I was soooo sick the entire first trimester and really couldn't imagine doing it again. Now at 16 weeks, I feel much more open to it. Your body is very effective at brainwashing.
  • They say in your second trimester your sickness gets better!
    I'm sure after you see your (handsome man or pretty princess) your feelings may change about another :)
  • Im pretty sure I'm done after this (is my first) but not because of feeling crappy or anything i don't really mind the pregnancy
    I just don't see myself having more than one and i am going to be a single mom the dad left me when i found out about baby and unless i ever trust any man enough to marry them(doubtful) i won't have another
  • I'm on my fourth and I become very sick during first trimester where I can't stop I'm really's so worth it.thats y I kept going
  • I hate being pregnant. This is my 2nd baby and I'm miserable. But its worth it in the end. My husband only wanted one child too, but I had to convince him that a child needs siblings. In case, something happens to us, I didn't want my child being alone. Although he does have a lot of family, nothing compares to your own siblings.
  • I feel ya! So far this is terrible! And I'm only a few weeks along
  • This is my first and last. I haveny enjoyed a day yet and doubt my vahina stretching ten cms will make it anymore fun. Im 36wks and vounting the days till my Body is mine again. I wont love my child any less or anything just being pregnant doesnt suit me well. Best of luck!! Just rememberit isnt forever.
  • I think lots of people feel that way. but by the time a year or two go by, your ready to do it again. I thought I was through after two, but here I am on my third. Done for sure now!! lol But give it time. You will prob change your mind. You have years to decide :)
  • After my first I looked at the doctor after delivering and said how do second children get born, meaning you would have to be nuts to go through that again. But here I am on #2, its amazing how much you forget.
  • This is my 1st and last! Im so serious about it that Im getting my tubes tied as soon as she is born. Yes they will do it because I will be 33 when she is born and I have medical issues. I am 21 wks and I have only had 2 wks where nothing was wrong. Thank God the baby has been perfectly healthy the whole time. However there is no way in Heaven, Hell, or on Earth I'd EVER do this again! Im glad he has 2 other kids and doesnt want any more either.
  • I Said that too, and now I'm having my third.
  • It was so easy for me to forget it was my first one. The second one I remembered clearly how things went, probably why it's been eight years since I had another baby but I'm happy.
  • I've always wanted only 1 or 2 until I met my bf and he convinced me 3 or 4. But idk, pregnancy is not fun for me. I feel like I'm coming down off drugs constantly lol. Smells are horrible, headaches, I have the worst constipation ever, constantly so fatigued I cant do anything... I'm not sick like nauseous I just have malaise all the time.

    I'm really hoping that the belly and baby helps me through it. I'm 9 weeks also and am thinking if I have a belly all the side effects of being pregnant will pay off more. Then of course the baby :)
  • I said the same after every single 1 of mine children but I guess there is something I like about it coz I am on my 6 th ;-)
  • I have not been sick at all but my sciattica is enough to knock out a horse and it has been so incredibly painful that I will welcome childbirth pains so I may get this over with! Lol but ikl probably forget all about it and want another one in a year! Lol
  • I thought that when I was going through the morning noon n night sickness phase but that end a couple months ago (I'm 27 weeks) I thought it would never end! sickness was so bad I had to go to the er 6 times bc I could not stop throwing up n would get to the point where I would be throwing up blood! But really now I just see it as something I needed to go through n will probably have to with my next one! N I will do it gladly again for another little bleasing, but maybe in a few years :)
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