castrol oil attempt.. ewe!

edited October 2011 in October 2011
so here i go.. ive been contracting for about a wk now but nothing seriouse so im giving it one shot if it doesnt work .. i will not try again.. man is it hard to swollow.. tried the first dose in a fruit smoothy.. not pleasent .. send me dust.. ladies.. i will keep youll updated in an hour or so.. argh


  • I made it with Orange juice and vanilla ice cream it worked with my last child. But when I tried it this time no sooner did I swallow it, it then came back up.
  • Lots of labour dust!! Try it for me n u mama... hope it wrks!!
  • Thanks ladies I cant believe I quickly its working as far as causing diarea im goin to try to take.a.nap.. Mabey wen I wake up ill be having contractions!
    @kailiasmomma05 @sexysecondtimemom
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  • Good luck hun! Sending labor dust cuz mine didn't work lol :) keep us updated!
  • Thanks @kdanials @2BeForgotten its giving me lots of cramping.. So I will do a a second dose soon ewe.. At ltast the 2nd dose will be smaller
    . Dam its discusting!
  • Good luck hun, hopefully it gets that baby out!! :) *labor dust*!!!!!
  • omg! I want to do that too! where did you buy it from? im gonna try a scary movie tonight castor oil sounds like it should be on the agenda as well... homebirthadvocate gave a good way to take it instead of in big gulps I thing it was a tbsp every half hour so its not so harsh
  • Ya I did 2oz first hour, 1oz 2nd hour, and 1oz 3rd dose wich im taking in a min
  • @moodymommie good luck! @excitedforoctober thanks due date buddy .. I need it .. Im gonna take my final discustimg dose after a walk
  • tell me how you feel! after your walk
  • So im getting contractions.. But seriously my poor booty needs a rest..TMI! It says labor shold begin w/in 24 hrs so we'll see . Just took the final dose.. Gonna take a shower and try to relax sleep tonight lol
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  • Keep us updated I think im gonna get some bad is it?
  • @MyBamBina28 the many trips to the bathrooms bad.. i have not gone to the bathroom like that in a long time.. :0& but if im in active labor by tommorow it will all be worth it.. @2BeForgotten i will deffinatly update either way & try a sleep tonight #:-s
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  • @MyBamBina28 with the first dose.. wich was 2oz and i took it with a smoothy.. i suggest just doing 1oz doses every hr or so.. but expect to be on the toilet w/in 20-30 min.. oh ya thats 2 tbl spoons at a time.. with a warm chaser.. like tea! it helped
  • How many doses? Im so scared but so desperate lol
  • Good luck! Let me now how it goes i wanna try it tom, how far along r u?
  • Oh wow...I heard it doesn't work. Good luck!!
  • Well its 4am and im on the toilet again.. My backk is killing me.. But still gonna rest till somethimg real happens praying this pain is it! But decided if this doesnt work.. Im justgoin to try and enjoy my last few days.. Still continue walking an epo bit this was,a 1 time attempt! Thanks to the ladies who took the time to comment.. I will up date in a bit.. Theres still hope right ? My 24 hrs isnt up yet.. Lol
  • I hope this works for u so lots of *labour dust*. I can't b bothered to try anything so am just keep counting down the days and hope my baby wants to c me as much as I want to c her and come by her due date... fingers crossedx
  • @sexysecondtimemom labor dust to you wenthe time is near.. How far are you? Thanks for the much needed dust!
  • Am 39+3, u due a day after rite??
  • Any changes?
  • If anyone does it do it in the morning ....personally did it w first child and although i felt like i was on labor for 12 hours and slept on the toilet all night cuz i couldn't stop pooping....did nothing bit clean me out and make me miserable...good luck if ur gonna try...i would advise against it
  • Sorry ladies but all I lost was water weight I deff know what laxative to use if I ever get constapated.. ;o( lost bout three pounds of.crap n water @sexysecondtimemom @nmartenez79 and I agree w/ @blooize
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