Trying to quit smoking

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I just found out I am pregnant a fee days ago... I have smoked a half of a pack or more of cigarettes per day for years. I was on meds for stress and quit taking them due to side effects but shortly after, I started smoking to help with my stress. Since I found out I am pregnant, I have cut back to a max of 4 cigarettes per day. I want to quit but I really have gotten so stressed out before that I will literally lay in bed all day and cry and I heard stress is bad for the baby. So it seems like a losing battle =( idk what to do. Any advice? Please no judgement. I am trying to do what is best for my baby.


  • @joanna... I know its super hard to quit smoking... I've been struggling with that battle myself... everyday! I was a regular smoker, half a pack a day... I have equated stress with smoking more... so I would say... first things first... cut the stress and the smoking will go! For your baby's health, I would say... cut out the stress... my prego started out really stressful too... what I've found is... once u realize that there will be things outside of your control always... u got to let it go and let it happen... do ur best to be happy... your doing the right thing by cutting down your cig intake and u can cut it more, and will... once the stress is down... do ur best sista... no judgement here... ever!
  • Your doing a great job just by slowing down. Everyone is different & you should consult with your dr. to do what's best for you & baby. I smoked at first when I got preggo it was like it hadn't sunk in. but I always told myself I would quit once I got preggo because I didn't want to be a mom that smoked. What better reason to quit then for the job of a lifetime!...motherhood. When I reached 8 wks I had a few cigs left in a pack & I just told myself u wouldn't but anymore (also helped I was on a bi week from a paycheck from work) didn'T procrastinate about it it set,i just did it. Then I came on this site every day & sort of blogged how my day went, just for myself as a accountability tool. If I wrote encouraging words I would read those when I was having a craving. The first 2wks were the hardest, but it did help that cig smoke really bothers me & its hard for me to be around. I'm now 16 weeks & have been smoke free for 2 months! It feels amazing. No guilt, no excuses, I never allowed myself to slip once. My biggest tip is to find a new stress reliever esp. Being preggo when we can tend to be more irritable. I would blog or call a close gf who understood & vented without worrying about being judged. I hope this helps. If you need to talk I'm here.
  • Im also trying to quit im 12w 5d and omg its so hard! And i have to be sneaky about it my boyfriend says if he catches me smoking then we are done! Im just super stressed with work and he has been stressing me out lately too and its either i smoke, eat hard candy, cry like a big baby all the time or kick his butt lol
  • I was a half to full pack smoker per day when I found out I was prego with my son. The doctor was even proud of me that I had cut down to 3 per day and didn't bother me anymore. I was stalled at 3 per day, but now I'm back to half a pack still and he is 6 years old now. I have tried to quit so many times, I am almost ready to try chantix, even with the psychotic side effects my friend had...
  • Omg im a Joanna too! Before I got pregnant I smoked 2 packs a day! I tried to quit for the first month after i found out but I got.stressed out and my blood pressure went up, so my Dr. Told me to.just slow down because me smoking was better than high bp and stress. Plus I was actually 3 months along when I found out I was pregnant so he said that by then baby.would go through withdrawals too. So now I smoke a pack about every 3 days and im 34 weeks and me and baby are doing great.
  • I have been smoking for about 15 years on and off for some reason giving up is so easy I get up 1 day and say dont want to smoke today and that 1 day turns 2 a year or 6 months all I do is change my routine if I had a cig with coffee then I wouldn't have a coffee I would have water instead or wait to a cig 10 mins after my coffee sometimes I just look at the clock and say well I a had a cig for an hour do I really need 1 yet then before yo know it another hour has gone by and then yo think well thats 2 hours do I really need it I also think will power plays a lot in it as well I think yo have done very well to cut down like yo have :-D
  • I smoked when I got pregnant with my first child and because I was a heavy smoker before I got pregnant that out was not safe for the baby for me to up and quit that it would bring to much stress on the baby so I cut back to 3 a day and my daughter was perfect and its the same thing with this pregnancy.
  • I used to smoke every day for 10 years. I quit when I found out I was pregnant. Cold turkey. What helped me the most to accomplish that was to just think that everytime I inhale smoke that its going directly to my baby. I would get physically sick to think I would be harming my baby. It's mind over matter.
  • Thank all of you so much. Yesterday I only had two all day and today none so far =)
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