First ultrasound, shocking news!! O.o

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Today has to be by far the best day of my life YET!

This afternoon during lunch I decided to take a test feeling my period was late. Goo to the washroom *boom* two positive tests :))

Call the doctor and reschedule my appointment for this afternoon at 2:15 pm.

Confirms I not only am pregnant but I'm 8 weeks and 3 days!! <3

Just got done with my FIRST ultrasound, at first she asked "how many weeks are you?" I told her "close to nine weeks" she than goes "oh my.." I got scared she than points and says "the babys heart is beating great.. You are going to have a big belly." I asked "why?" She said "because you are having TWINS!"

That brought tears to my eyes! I can't believe it, my first pregnancy I saw both of my angels hearts beating <3 god truly blessed me!


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