No af. Neg test. (tmi)

edited February 2011 in November 2011
I have been having what I thought was symptoms.. And AF is 2-3 days late. I took a test earlier today but it was neg. TMI: the past two days ive have have mild stomach cramps and thicker discharge. Did anyone else get this different discharge. Not a diff color or smell, just thick


  • I've had the same thing going period and negative pregnancy test
  • @skippers1st Ya and I have had signs and thought I was but its weird that the test is neg.. Guess I will have to wait longer but its hard to wait, I just wanna kno. Haha
  • Ya my first test was negative and I was so sad about out...then two weels later three tests... All positive. I know waiting is hard but maybe you are just too early.
  • Is it a whitish discharge or clear? When I ovulated it was clear and now that I'm preggo its like egg whites.
  • I. Have symptoms sore boobs thick discharge no af and I've taken four pt and they're all invalid no positive or negative just invalid...I want to go to Dr but I'm trying to wait a little longer but I'm ready to know so I can start planning and such...patience is not a virtue I possess
  • @carebear yes, I hate waiting. I thought since no af it would b a good time to test but I guess I could b a bit early. I will wait even tho I am not patient either

    @lwilliams17 it is kinda of white ya and thicker.. Not like when I ovulate. Its been there more the past week or so.

    @FirstTymeMom2b the first tests u took that were neg was it b4 or after exoectrd period? Cuz mine is late but still neg..?

    Thank u ladies for replying!
  • Woman have a great intuition and we know our body. I felt pregnant even without the symptoms. I was skeptical bc we have been trying for quite some time but its almost like bammm.. i didnt stress or worry as of matter of fact we werent forcing it these past few weeks and Im still pretty shocked. When i took the test i was playing around with it and my bd got a glimpse but didnt say anything and when i say 'Pregnant' i was saying something and completely just stopped and stared at it. I kept picking it up and reading it. We took 3 and still are in disbelief.
  • Congrats! Thats how it is tho its like I feel like I am and the test is neg. But I will wait and see! :-)
  • Lol my bd just knows I am and keeps harassing me about resting and sleeping enough and he keeps saying take Care of my baby I kept blowing it off as wishful thinking on his part...he has baby fever worse than me...but now that I'm late I'm like hmmmmm maybe he was right...but he's done all kind.of research and he's telling me to wait to take the test until I'm a week late but I can't....ugh this waiting will b the death of me
  • Go with your gut! There's a good chance you are :X keep us posted!
  • CCongratulations @bellamama can you send that extra baby dust this way...or at least enough hcg for a position test for me n Emma
  • *positive
  • LLol position n my fat fingers
  • Omg Im having the same with the discharge its thick n egg whites like you said. I was in the mall earlier n I had to use the bathroom n boom like a thick egg white discharge n my undie was wet. Sorry ladies I know (tmi) but I guess thats normal is it? My friend told me it is and that happened to her when she was pregnant.
  • Lol my phone does the same cuz its all touch and the buttons are small, lots of typos.. But ya I agree send us some of that hcg..
    I will keep u all posted! Hopefully I will kno soon!
  • @pinkhopesfor1stbby ya!! Exactly! At first I was like what the heck! Thats why i posted this, I didnt kno if it could b a symptom.. I had nvr had it b4
  • edited March 2011
    @carebear @emmary My bd did the same too me.. always telling me take care of his babies (he wants twins) You and Emma are on the right track and if you have a regular flow and are a fews days off, chances are you might be pregnant. I wanna send some baby dust but I dont think you two ladies need it ! I believe in ya'll ! Keep me posted. I can only imagine how anxious ya'll feel.
  • @emmarylynn19 im like omg!!! And its only getting thicker! Lol its a whittish color no bad odor and im like oh boyyy. I never get it like that. Mayb we just are pregnant :) babyyy dustttt for you and for myself and for the rest of you wonderful ladies :)
  • My first negative test was after my missed period, and even though I was pregnant at the time out didn't come out positive until like two weeks later...
  • @pinkhopesfor1stbby exactly that id how it is for me! So maybe we r prego!! Baby dust to you!!
    @FirstTymeMom2b ok then mayb I am early. I just dobt wanna get my hopes up and then BAM af! :( but in a bit I will kno. Hope soon!
    @bellamama o gosh, SOO anxious! But I kno I have to wait :/. And mu fiance and I want twins too!
    Wish me luck ladies. baby dust to all!
  • @emmarylynn19 thanks!!!! Yea I do beieve soo. Baby dusttt to youuu as well :) xoxoxoxox
  • Lol you ladies are brave with wanting twins I don't think I could but either way baby dust to you guys
  • Thank u ladies!!
    If I had twins I would probably b scared shitless but it would b amazing :) but one is good enough for me too!
  • Im so glad to read all of your responses because i had the same question. I took a test and got a negative but if its wrong im 4 wks and 2 days. Yay.
  • @libramommy Yay!! Baby dust to u! I was late and still had a neg test soo idk. But hope u find out soon!
  • I had those symptoms a few days ago, about 1 or 2 days before my period was due to come. Now I got a positive test the day after it was due.
  • I dnt think im preg because it is a week past my expected start date of af and test is still neg. Im gonna make an app with my doctor to make sure everything is ok.
  • Some people have to get a blood test to find out if their pregnant .
    To be on the safe side go to your doctor and get a test done .
  • I was going to next week but found out i lost my medical insurance.
  • I had my last period on january 25 and I've taken 3 tests and theyre all negative but I've never skipped a month what do you guys think
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