Hi girls im Nee at this forum. Im german, 27years and first time pregnant. Im 30w4d now and really looking forward to hold my babyboy in my arms. Im gooing to have us and ctg today
Yea pretty much. I'm not taking the classes but I'm doing alot of the exercises. I have a natural birthing site saved on my phone and it has relax techniques, breathing techniques, and several diff exercises. What about you?
It really is helpful. I make sure I do all of my exercises daily and practice the breathing and meditation twice a day. Usually once in a warm bath with relaxing oils or bubble bath.
Im taking classes too.my first started last night and it was great. Im really looking forward to the next few weeks. And than its just days we were holding our babys...
Haha. @nicksmommy I think we all look like fat cows at this point. I've always been a small person so its really weird to see myself with a big belly and such. I've never been over 105 lbs til I got preg.
@babygeesmomma2b- I love the exercises for the natural births. They really make me feel more prepared. Have you thot about a water birth?
I've heard that a water birth is very calming to both you and your baby but not to get in til labor is pretty far along so out doesn't drag it out. I feel no matter what i choose I'm gonna be lost. Lol. I'm so nervous!
@babygeesmomma2b- I love the exercises for the natural births. They really make me feel more prepared. Have you thot about a water birth?