Dad to be gone wild

Yall didn't know a brother was crashing this Pregly thing did u? So yeah, my wife is in her 1st trimester and is normal, but acting like she has all these cravings when in reality she's just eating whatever comes to the top of her appetite list at the moment. Should I feel some kind of way about this "justification?" How can I pull her gluttony card on her without losing my arm in the process?


  • Lol. I say let her eat what she wants! Cuz most likely if you do say anything, she"ll flip. :) good luck
  • Oh yes don't take the pregnant womens food. My husband does it just to see my face because he thinks its hilarious, but he knows better than to deny me my food for long or he will regret it. Haha!
  • Lol if yu say anything she will hurt you. Let her have this one.
  • But really it might just be what her body needs, even non pregnant ppl crave what their body needs. Like I crave steak only when my iron is low.
  • Yup let her have what she wants because if you try to intervene you'd be lucky just to lose an arm O:)
  • That trimester is the worst when it comes to food. Its a matter of finding what u can eat that will not make u feel miserable after. Morning sickness is not just a morning thing and does not mean throwing up. Its also really easy to get dizzy at this time. I overlooked eating one day early on bc I was running around all day. When I got home my vision was blacking out and I barely made it in the house. It was only 2pm and I had gotten up around 9am so it really wasn't that long. Eventually the baby takes up all the room and after like 2 bites of food ur full so then it really seems like u eat all day bc it takes all afternoon to eat lunch
  • Yeah, I hear that, but she literally just said tonight she wanted some pancakes and eggs with Bacon. And I was like eewww (we don't really eat bacon in our house), to which she replied "oh it doesn't have to be bacon, it van be turkey meat, or just any breakfast food..." she is just doing what she wants!
  • I've had major cravings since week 8! Its hell! Lol pregnancy is no cup of tea so id say let her eat what she wants. ..we can't drink or go club hoppin so food and shopping are like our only means of recreation, we need it like air!! Lol
  • Omg, now I want bacon, and I can't eat it :( but really it does suck for finding food that doesn't make you wanna puke. At least its not Ho-hos and like junk!
  • Bacon = hohos and like junk! Lol !
  • She's just trying to make please you I'm sure she really wanted Bacon or else why would she say it, but you go eeeeewww so yes she will say she wants something else to make you happy
  • My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy bc I've wanted strawberry pie since I woke up yesterday. N I'm pissed cuz I still haven't gotten it! Lol
  • Lol. I crave seafood while prego. Evrrytime. And I've actually never had enough guts to actually eat it. And Bacon isn't junk!
  • yea let her have her cravings.
  • Fyi ur supposed to go with ur cravings cuz sometimes it means their bodies are lacking some kinda nutrient. Like if ur craving oranges that could be ur body telling u that u need vitamin c. When I say you I mean ur wife and other preggo chicks lol n now I want some bacon like everyone who just read this post. Welcome to the forum dude :)
  • edited March 2011
    its an old superstition that if she doesn't get what she is craving the baby comes out looking like what she is craving. so if my baby is craving lets say. . strawberries. im like k I dont want a strawberry face baby., lets go get u what u want. lol its all for fun. but I like letting her have her cravings. she is prego she deserves it
  • That was farrrrr from the worst possible thing she could have asked for! Most preggo women crave things that contain a nutrient the baby needs to grow healthy- so let her have it, and if it grosses you out, go in the other room; and for goodness sake, don't you dare say that to her again unless you want to make your pregnant woman cry!!! Pregnancy is very hard... she needs your support, hon!
  • Something close enough to what you are craving will work! Feel lucky she has an appetite and is' able to eat and keep your baby healthy!!! Alot of women have trouble eating while other women are able to eat , things that I used to hate I can't live without like milk! I hate milk but ur crave it cus its what my body needs :) :)
  • How can you say that @grownman just because you don't want bacon doesn't mean she can't crave it! The girl wanted breakfast make her some breakfast. Your wife is doing this on purpose and it probably really hurts her feelings how you are acting. I'm glad i can ask my man for bacon amd he will bring me a pig
  • I'm in my first trimester Also. My boyfriend nd is family likes soul food not sea food. all I've been wnting for the last few days was white rice w soy sause, w boiled shrimp in lemon juice on top. I had wanted that just bc I seen a pic of shrimp in a parents magazine. Yep my bf mom bought it all for me last night nd his sister cooked it for me while every one else had eaten chicken, greens, w ribs. Lol so trust me just let her have "exactly" what she wants or yu won't ever hear the end of it. :)
    btw: congrats
  • I ate a lot my first trimester bc I didn't get nauseous. But if she gets to out of control, to keep things cool, most mid wives will tell you if your gaining to much. As long as its not a whopper a day I'd let her ride it out, eating all the time gets old. Congrats on your baby
  • @grownman I must agree bacon yucky actually all pork I dont eat the pig lol but I crave whataburger & dr pepper like crazy I might even leave my bf for the cook at whataburger lol jk
  • It will completely hurt her feelings and she will resent you if in some way you infer she is a fatty who won't stop eating. I suggest you intervene without being obvious. Maybe get some reading materials discussing normal weight gain and ways to eat healthy during pregnancy. I'm with you no one wants to be hugging on to an extra 30lbs. Post preggers because they went hog wild and sometimes cravings get the better of your judgement.
  • She is so lucky! I just started my third trimester, and i still can't eat! Dr is getting concerned because i lost weight in my first trimester and still haven't gained it back. Baby is healthy so far, but i stress cause im not sure she's getting enough nutrition.
  • Mmm...Bacon...
  • I envy her. I am in my first trimester and food makes me squimish its hard to find something that won't send me running to the bathroom. Even tonight I thought I wanted taco soup, thought about it all day and it sounded good until hubby started cooking I'm not to sure. -sigh- let her have her cravings, the doctor will let her know if she is gaining to much weight
  • my trimester I was soooo nauseous! I could only eat what I was craving nothing else.. now I'm on my 2nnd and everythings better I can eat watever but only eat about 2 meals and some snacks in a day. She does need to watch what she eats and when. Its not good if she gains a lot of weight there are risks
  • I agree with @LittleFae : her Dr will tell her if she's gaining too much weight too soon; keep your lips zipped & you'll thank us later! Nobody wants to be told they're Miss Piggy when they're already feeling insecure about normal -and much nessecary- pregnancy weight gain.
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