Childbirth Books

Baby and mama throughout the 40 weeks

The Rough Guide to pregnancy For those of you who are more interested in laughing than crying over all the complications that can arise. "This book was given to me by a friend who wanted me to enjoy a lighthearted read once a week before going to bed. I religiously stuck to reading one week at a time so as to savor what was to come", Saskia.

Pregnancy for Dummies

A thorough A-Z guide about the well being of mother and baby, all different genetic screenings that are necessary or offered plus the revised FDA/USDA food pyramid. Basically an all in one book that is informative yet light and witty at the same time.

Preparing for the birth

Birth Skills: Proven pain techniques for your labor and birth

If you are planning a natural birth then this should be your go to book. It tells you everything you need to know about what happens in your body during child birth and how the pain you feel should never alarm you. It is simply there to guide you and help you deliver your baby. It is written with a combination of professional advice from a 30-year career in obstetric therapy and recommendations from a program-participant’s personal journey, this guidebook offers proven pain-management tips such as movement, breathing, vocalizing, and using stress balls and keywords. All types of birthing methods are described—including short and long labors, natural or epidural labors, and water births. This much-needed resource aids women to prepare for their biggest fear—the pain of labor—and shows them not only how to get through it, but also illustrates the empowerment of managing such pain.