mama's of more than 1 lo

Ok I need some advice! Tomorrows the first day in 7 weeks that I'm going to take both kids out by myself. I've been taking my mom with me when I needed to go anywhere to keep my 15 month old distracted.

How do you ladies distract your kids to keep them from screaming the whole time? Lol.

I'm going to be taking the double stroller...but I'm not sure. maybe I should just take my jogging stroller and wear the baby.

I'm ebfing so if I have to feed her...he's going to want out to run around...and I don't want him being mean or vice versa to other kids at the wic office(we've already delt with a bully at the park).

I've been thinking about this since last night...and I feel stressed out about it...and I know I shouldn't be because I'm only taking my kids out, but this is a first. EEEEKKKK!!!!


  • Is your oldest usually well behaved? I would take some snacks and maybe a book? (Books = quiet time in my house.) Your oldest is like 17 months right?
  • Where are you planning on taking them? Or did I miss that? Lol
  • @second_time_mommy7 no he's not lol he's a little terror! He's 15 months. I'm going to be taking some snacks...I just am scared he's going to throw a I was to distract him with something. O_o

    @coltensmamma. I have a wic appt..if I didn't have to take him along id leave him with his grandpa for a few hours
  • I know your worried but try to relax and stay calm, he will pick up on your tension and start acting out. I'm sure everything will be fine and if he does throw a tantrum just remember, no matter where you go the people there have seen worse. He is only 15months, he is not expected to act prim and proper. What ever you do keep your cool so you don't look like a psychopath. Lmao I'm am very strict on my kids when we are in public places, they know what is expected and sometimes when they act out I catch myself looking like that psychopath. ;)
  • Let me tell you its hard...I don't or didn't have any help. By fiancee works second shift and I have to get my daughter at school. I also have a two yr old and 6 month old. My two yr old would run off and one time the crossing guard at the school stopped him before he ran into the st(her school is on a really busy st) but after doing it so much the two yr old is used to it. I've taught him to look both ways before crossing. He is like a totally diff kid from the last school yr. Just keep talking to him...give him a job to make him feel specialike make him the one who looks both ways and tells you its ok to cross. My two yr loves that...he will say look both ways...then he says ok cross. We still have our cranky days tho but just keep at it. I've even braved shopping with all 3 kids and can actually do it no lol lime its nothing...before I'd have anxiety about it. My two yr old loves helping carry the light bags in the house. Good luck, just hang in there:)
  • I would put the older one in a stroller of some type, even if you have to carry the baby in a sling or infant seat, just to keep him under control. Snacks and small toys might help. Just try to be positive and make it a happy fun time out with mom. (easier said than done sometimes lol)
  • He might be a little doll, you never know! Lol. Give him as much attention as possible.. my 7 week old still sleeps a lot, so when we go out, he goes in the stroller and I carry my 1 yo. If you can put the baby in the stroller, then your son can sit in your lap for some of the appt (like when you're talking to the lady). For me, this is easiest.
  • @lucyloo288 oh he better be a little doll today lol my 7 week old rarely sleeps...she's always hungry for boob hahaha I think I'm going to take my wrap and double stroller...I can put my 15 month old in the cart at the grocery store after we leave the wic office.
  • @wilsomom I have no idea how you deal with all your small children. I would of gone crazy by now lol. I woke him up at 7am..and am trying to keep him awakw until I leave at I hope he sleeps while we're there..and I'm bringing snacks for him
  • Soooo how did it go?? Or if you haven't been GOOD LUCK!!
    My first trip out alone with both of mine was to the doctors office. They both had appointments. Keegan fell out of the chair and hit her head on the floor AND then I had to rush Troy to the hospital for an emergency ultrasound that his doctor ordered. I was all alone with two under 1. It was lunch and nap time and then I was freaking out about the ultrasound. Talk about a mess. Lol.
  • @1stwoodsbaby I haven't been yet, but I'm getting ready..its not until 1:20...even though ill be leaving at 12:45 for a 5min drive lol oh man I would of been freaking out too! Was everything ok with the ultrasound?
  • Oh I understand about getting ready early. It takes me 3 trips and 5 minutes just to get everything and everyone in the car.
    Yes the ultrasound came back perfect. Made me freak out and worry for nothing.
  • Lol I should of packed the car last night, but didn' I wish I would of because ill have to come back several times to get both kids, diaper bag, and the stroller..and to make sure the dog doesn't get out while I'm getting everything!

    That's good! That's usually how it ends up though.
  • This will definitely be a learning experience. You'll figure out what works and what you need to change for next time. I've been out several times since and it gets easier each time.
  • Hope all is going well! I didn't have all my kids at once, I learned by adding 1 at a time just like you are! Lol :) You can do it!
  • @1stwoodsbaby...omg it was awful lol he screamed the entire time because he was tired and wouldn't take a nap in the stroller. And he was running around kissing little kids! =#
  • Oh bless you! Well at least it can only get better now! And kissing is so much better than hitting! It gels easier the mire you do it honestly! You did it hun, well done!
  • Kissing little kids?! That is the cutest thing ever!!!! LOL
  • Aw I'm sorry it was so rough! At least he was kissing and not biting or hitting or kicking. Just remember, it'll get easier the more times you try it.
  • I was a little worried when you said you were keeping him up because I was thinking he'd be tired. There's 2 things that'll almost always make kids fussy....being tired or being hungry.

    Sorry it didn't go so well..I'm sure next time will be better! :)
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