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1.2K discussions 14.9K comments Most recent: QUESTIONS I FORGOT WHEN I WAS PREGO WITH MY FIRST by jules -
4.5K discussions 54.5K comments Most recent: So I'm stuck between two girl names, help? by SalasMommy -
2.7K discussions 34.2K comments Most recent: i post this for help not judgment... by monkey_girl -
Child Categories: Depression -
Discuss signs and symptoms of labor as well as ideas on how to "speed up" labor
207 discussions 4.7K comments Most recent: Wtf?!? VENT!!! ****UPDATE 6.18.11 AT 8:40**** by adri805 -
702 discussions 9.5K comments Most recent: when is it ok to finally take ur child out of thr crib? by trixiesmom8 -
This Category is for those who have experienced the loss of a child to find support.
This section is to talk about different milestones in your babies life
26 discussions 459 comments Most recent: wanted to share pix of my little Kairi Anabelle by starrxoxo9 -
15 discussions 180 comments Most recent: From an Angel to a MOnster, don't judege I love my little girl by Mijita -
For parents of twins, triplets, etc
6 discussions 120 comments Most recent: The twins have SO lost their nakey privelages by newmomma13 -
260 discussions 3.1K comments Most recent: Sleep Training my 4mo old...questions by MommyLovesSparkle -
This covers health issues related to health after you've given birth
573 discussions 6.6K comments Most recent: Gestational Trophoblastic disease/tumor pdate by nicoleok87 -
3 discussions 28 comments Most recent: 63 days to go and still don't belive I'll be actually a mom of 4! and questions by NylasMommy -
33 discussions 503 comments Most recent: they said my 4 mo. heart is too big :( LONG by SalasMommy -
This is where you can come to vent about things like your significant other, your job, your family & friends or just life in general. PLEASE do not vent about Pregly members and PLEASE do not use "bad language" (profanity) in your threads! :)