
edited October 2012 in Pregnant
ok im sure there has been a post on this in the past but how can i bring on labour? im only 36+1 at the minute but after seeing the consultant who told me that if baby is not here on his own by my due date then i have to have a csection! i dont want a section i want this baby naturally and on time so i have enough time to recover before christmas!
so people can u pls help me with ideas on what i can do to get things moving closer to the time!


  • All the usual- very spicy foods, exercise, small doses of castor oil, sex and lots of it but I think most babies will come when there ready hun and not before. Why do yoü need a csection after the due date?
  • Nothing worked to bring labor on for me unfortunately...but semen does soften the cervix so I would try that. It doesn't make sense that the dr would say automatic section...?? I went 10 days over and still had dillon vaginally. @denois
  • Well...try sex I mean haha :-)
  • i had an emergency csection 16months ago and they want me to have another one at 39 weeks but i want a natural birth if i can have one! so he said they wld only let me go to my due date! @tashalou and @mam082711
  • That makes sense then...pitocin's bad for VBACs but I don't see why they'd want to have you go in at 39..why not give it the extra few days to a week *then* talk about a section? @denois
  • Sex and squats did it at 37 weeks i was 5cm already.. try it just carefully
  • i dont know! the doctor is rubbish! im in the uk and under a consultant and i have had to see them every 4 weeks! i have never seen the same doctor twice so they dont actually know me as a person they just read my notes! with my last son i was told he would weigh about 11lb but he was born 7lb 13oz and this time bavy is already measuring 8lb 2oz but i think its more to do with my weight before i fell pregnant!
    iv asked can i go to 41weeks and then if no sign of baby then can i have a csection but they are saying they wont let me go that long!! @mam082711
  • I mean this nicely lol they can't FORCE you to do anything your not comfortable with. Just remember you are in charge and they "work" for you :) that being said u started orally with primrose oil at 35 weeks and vaginally at 36 weeks. My peanut was born at 37 1/2 weeks..not sure that's what did it or not, but she came two weeks earlier than my first and thats the only thing I did differently :) GOOD LUCK MOMMA!
  • Oh right :( csection's are horrible, I had one with my second and id pick vaginal delivery even with tears over that! Keep trying all the remedies that the ladies have said and speak to your midwife instead of the doctors, they're normally more understanding :)
  • thanks @everyone! i just really want a normal delivery cos iv been tols if i have a second csection then if i had any more babies i wld have to have csections! if i have more babies i will be havin a new midwife and doctor!
  • I know how you feel I am still in my first trimester but the thought of another section makes me sick to my stomach. The recovery time is horrible and the pain dearlord. I didn't take any meds after my first day at home so that could have played a part.
  • @char they are the worst! i had two days in hospital after my last section where i had two lots of pain med a day cos they were useless and no one ever brought any round and that was it! but then i had to take iron medicine for 8weeks after too! i want this baby to come on its own in two weeks time and be healthy and lovely and for the labour to go just great!
  • edited October 2012
    C section is pressured by all doctors relating to pregnancy and birth there is NO reason to have a c section if your past hour due date ....first of all due dates sent always accurate second of all it's good to know what can lead to a c section don't just believe whatever they tell you. I was pressured in my delivery for a c section cause it took so long I was only in delivery for 5hrs ... And I was exactly 42weeks when my baby was born. My due date was July 5th...
  • Had a vaginal birth...
  • @denois I scheduled my c-section at 39 weeks because lo was breech. My doctor would have allowed vaginal if he was not my first. My sister breech and I didn't think it was worth the risk (her back still bothers her). I got plenty of meds didn't feel a thing in the hospital. Got home and got stuck in bed hubby darn near killed me getting me up. Lol At that point all the meds had worn of.
    I even had my doctor try to flip lo b4 I agreed to the c-section. After that I figuredif he didn't turn then it was a lost cause.
  • with my first son i was 42 weeks and went in to be induced! after 36 hours of being in labour but not gwttin past like 4cm dilated i had an emergency csection! that time they werent monitoring baby close enough and his heart rate dropped! he was also back to back and his cord was round his neck the doc said to me this time well the induction didnt work last time and if we had to induce u this time its a much softer induction as u already have a scared uterus! thats fine but it doesnt mean i need to be taken straight in at 39 weeks to have baby! i dont unserstand why i cant just go to at least 41 weeks
  • edited November 2012
    Well that is a good reason then @denois what I mean is unless it's an emergancy it's not needed..
  • @denois Tell them to give you a good reason!! My doctor told me I could wait but if I went into labour I risked an emergency c-section. I opted to schedule it with my doctor instead of risking another doctor doing it. Now I wish I had waited the extra week just to see if he would turn. If you feel you know everything you need to in order to make your decision don't schedule.
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