Trick or treating...

It's suppose to be like 35 degrees here and misting rain tonight during trick or treating, I have a 5 year old and 14 month old. I can't decide if I'm going to take them out or not. I called our mall and they had trick or treating yesterday, so that's out. I keep thinking the weather is too nasty to get the kids out but I feel so bad for my 5 year old because they are not having a Halloween party at school. So what do you ladies think? Should I just bundle them up or stay home? Is it cold where you are, are you taking your kid(s) out?


  • I would take him to at least a couple houses. Kids look forward to this all year. Can anyone keep and eye on the little one while you take the 5yo? Maybe a church is having something indoors?
  • I was really contemplating not taking my one year old out bcuz it will be about 40° here but I will bundle him up in blankets and just go down a few blocks.
  • I'm in Canada, kids go out here in a few feet of snow and -20 C lol. Just bundle them up, put their costume over a snowsuit or something, and come in and have hot chocolate. They'll be ok!
  • edited October 2012
    We won't be going, but my lo is a week away from being one...its about the same weather here, but more windy. If it wouldn't be so windy, I'd think we would go to a few houses. My dad even said if its bad out they aren't going my sister and step sister are both 10. They talked about going to the movies instead.
  • The Walmart by me is doing trick or treating in the store because its supposed to be chilly
  • Look up trunk or treat in your area, alot of my churches are doing it inside and the kids go room to room, or if they are doing it out of the trunks, you'd get alot of candy in a little amount of time
  • edited October 2012
    @ezrasmommy @kimberly4411 all the churches in our area had their Halloween festivities last sat... @steph_due_101611 I wish our Walmart did that
  • @excitedforOctober I think we will do the same!
  • @trixiesmom8 its pretty windy here also... Seeing a movie is a great idea!
  • You could. Always buy candy at a store and have them go trick or treaing if different rooms of your. House staying inside and after that they can watch a halloween movie for kids like pixars spooky tales with chars from shreak monsters vs aliens and many more they have 2 different ones on netflix :-)
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