Who else is pregnant after a miscarriage?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am five weeks pregnant today and am nervous every single day about losing this baby. I lost my last pregnancy at ten weeks. I am over analyzing every symptom or lack of symptoms and haven't gotten really excited at all yet about this baby. Is anyone else going through this? I am really trying to trust God, it just is hard to get excited or attached after what we went through last time. Is anyone else as nervous as me right now?


  • Im just the same. I miscarried in December, I was supposed to be 10 weeks and was bleeding. They did an ultra sound and found it stopped growing at 6w4d. Im now going to be 7 weeks pregnant tom, and Im really scared. Im cramping right now and I keep trying to tell myself its just my uterus stretching but Im still scared.
  • edited March 2011
    Yes, everything you just described sounds just like me. I am 7wks tomorrow and I had a mc last year. I literally count how many times i use the bathrm. I did get to hear a hb on Mon and i cried it was the happiest thing ever.We just have to continue to have faith in god and hope all goes well.
  • That's exactly what happened with me, I was supposed to be nine weeks but an ultrasound showed it stopped growing at five, and I had a d&c a week later. I have an ultrasound next week and just so badly want to know everything is okay.
  • Oh I know, every time I wipe I expect to see blood. It's so morbid but that's just how it is. :(
  • After my son, I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. It was 3 days after I found out I was pregnant. It took us 4 years after that to get pregnant and for the first 12 weeks I was a nervous wreck. I'm now 23 weeks and this pregnancy has been perfect! Keep your faith and remember the best thing to do is stay positive for the baby! Don't stress and take it really easy for your first trimester. My ob told me no exercising, eat lots of healthy foods and no stressful situations! The best advice I can give you is don't over analyze symptoms or lack there of and especially don't Google symptoms. I stopped all nausea and tender breast in one day at 10 weeks, I didn't "feel" pregnant anymore so I Googled it and everyone said I was having a miscarriage again. I was a wreck and it turned out I was further then they thought and entering the 2nd trimester so it was normal for them to stop. Good luck and most of CONGRATULATIONS on your amazing news!!!
  • Aww.. I will be praying for you ladies.. I mc last June and conceived again in august. I'm now 31w5d and Soo thrilled that I get to be preg.. don't let fear ruin the joy of your preg.. its really hard not to be afraid but know that the more you relax the more your baby relaxes.. hugs
  • I had a miscarriage August 2010 at 10 weeks. Then I became pregnant again in December 2010 and now I'm 14 1/2 weeks and my baby is healthy and doing great! I was really nervous that I would miscarry again. But I just had to stay calm. And when I had my first ultrasound at 9 weeks I was soo relieved when I saw my little baby and its heart beat!
  • I mc with twins last march it was so hard :( I am now 35wks 3days and there hasn't been a day for me that I wasn't worried. When we went in for our first us I wouldn't even look at the monitor I closed my eyes until the tech gave my hubby a thumbs up that the babe was ok.
  • I had a MC last mothers day. I was supposed to be 11 weeks and baby stopped growing at 7 weeks. I had a d&c and was told to wait 2 cycles. My cycles were irregular after. After my second cycle in august we tried again and gave it one month and got a BFP sept 30th! Im now 27 weeks 3 days along with our 2nd baby girl, our first is 14 months old
  • I had a mc last October at 7weeks 2days. Currently pregnant again and 7 weeks 6 days and say the heartbeat a few days ago so that was nice but still in crazy thinking something might in wrong again and watch every little thing to make sure everything stays good. Good luck to all mommy's!!
  • I found out Monday that I am pregnant after a miscarriage in 2008, same thing as it of women...baby just stopped growing, didn't know until 11 weeks. My husband and I both feel like we've been robbed of what should be a joyful time. I love the new doc I have, she is incredibly reassuring and informative, and that has helped ease my worry a lot. I don't know if the worry will ever go away, but I am praying every day to meet this little one in November!
  • @lovemyangels.....I'm 5 wks today also:) I have 3 boys ages 10,7,3... I had my first miscarriage at 5 wks in 06 and another miscarriage last March at 18 wks. I'm so nervous with this one. I'm looking every time I wipe with hope theres nothing on the tissue...sorry so graphic. Wish u all the luck!
  • I miscarried at 10 wks too back in june 2010. It was a blighted ovum. Got pregnant late august 2010 and everything has been going well. It was scary at first due to what happened before. Im sure my husband was tired of me constantly freaking out until I got out of the first 12 wks and even then I was still nervous. Im still nervous to be honest even though im now 30 wks. I feel bad that I never really enjoyed just being pregnant up until now due to me being paranoid that I just missed the whole experience of just being happy. So don't let it happen to you. God knows what's best and blessed you with another pregnancy so try to enjoy it and just relax even though its hard to do. Good luck
  • I had a miscarriage at 13weeks got pregnant a month an a half later...for me it was mixed emotions didnt wanna get to exited or attached cus didn't want it to end like the first it was also hard on my bd but after awhile we started feeling better bout this pregnancy an now am 39 weeks prego with a lil boy can't wait...just don't stress think positive an take care of ur self take it easy good luck
  • I miscarried at 6w 5d back at the end of July and was pregnant a month later. It was an unplanned pregnancy, and although it was really hard to deal with, I saw it as God's way of letting me know it wasn't his plan for me. A month later our condom broke, and I wound up pregnant the first time we had sex after the miscarriage. I couldn't believe it, it was so soon. Obviously it is meant to be, but I wonder why I got so lucky to become pregnant so easily but others keep trying and trying and have such a hard time conceiving. Although I feel blessed, it makes me feel kind of sad because I don't get why I was the one granted with another chance when others don't get a chance. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited and in love with her, I just wonder why me....you know? I'm now almost 30 weeks. Like they say, things happen for a reason. I pray that those that are ttc have the luck I had. :)
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