Hate judging parenting styles but I need to vent!!
I do not like to comment on people's parenting styles but I am a very outspoken person so I will save my opinions and vent instead...so here goes...
My bff has a daughter 3 weeks older than my son and I'd say that our parenting styles are very similar EXCEPT for the fact that she is not letting her poor daughter build her immune system. We live in Illinois and our weather is really crazy here but she refuses to take her baby out if its less than 50 degrees out, and if she absolutely needs to go out she literally puts about 20 layers on the poor girl! She is over a year old and has gotten sick once, yes some may say this is GREAT but in my opinion she is not building her immune system. I'm not saying take the baby out in a bikini in 50 degree weather so she can purposely get a cold but let her live a little!!! My son has gotten about 4 colds since he has been born, do I like it? NO. Do I feel bad? YES. But I find a little comfort in knowing that he is building a good immune system.
I feel like she is doing more harm than good by couping up the poor baby in a house forever for the fear that the cold wind will touch her body and give her a cold. Point proven that yesterday she was telling me that she doubted she would take her trick or treating because she is "terrified that she will get sick." BUT she actually did take her out for ONE block and guess what? Baby woke up sick this morning. Of course I feel bad for the poor baby girl but I truly believe its because she is not being allowed to get used to the lower temps.
Ok, vent over....
My bff has a daughter 3 weeks older than my son and I'd say that our parenting styles are very similar EXCEPT for the fact that she is not letting her poor daughter build her immune system. We live in Illinois and our weather is really crazy here but she refuses to take her baby out if its less than 50 degrees out, and if she absolutely needs to go out she literally puts about 20 layers on the poor girl! She is over a year old and has gotten sick once, yes some may say this is GREAT but in my opinion she is not building her immune system. I'm not saying take the baby out in a bikini in 50 degree weather so she can purposely get a cold but let her live a little!!! My son has gotten about 4 colds since he has been born, do I like it? NO. Do I feel bad? YES. But I find a little comfort in knowing that he is building a good immune system.
I feel like she is doing more harm than good by couping up the poor baby in a house forever for the fear that the cold wind will touch her body and give her a cold. Point proven that yesterday she was telling me that she doubted she would take her trick or treating because she is "terrified that she will get sick." BUT she actually did take her out for ONE block and guess what? Baby woke up sick this morning. Of course I feel bad for the poor baby girl but I truly believe its because she is not being allowed to get used to the lower temps.
Ok, vent over....
My son used to like everything too. Drove me nuts lol, you are not alone.
My son is now 3, and his full-term sister is 1.5. His immune system is better than hers! They've each had 3 colds (the same 3 colds he brought home from school each time). It takes him a day to kick it...meanwhile, my daughter is sick for a week!!"