is it bad that....

edited November 2012 in First Trimester
Is it bad that every cramp or twing i have i wanna go straight to the er bc my doc appt isnt until the 19th and i just wanna see my bean and make sure its ok? Im only 7w2d but i just want my appt to hurry but my doc wont see me till 9 weeks!!! Ugh any first trimester mommys on.there toes like me??


  • You have every reason to be.
  • So u haven't had ur first prenatal appt? I have mine tomorrow, I'm only 6 wks and I was wondering was too early.
  • You have every reason to be like that
  • after everything you have been through I dont blame you for feeling this way. Does your dr know how you feel? Does he/she know your history? I will keep you in my thoughts for the next 8 months. And pray that this pregnancy has a very, very happy ending.
  • You have every right to feel that way!! Hoping the next couple weeks fly by so you can have some reassurance everything is fine.
  • @sands3 im kinda upset they wouldn't ask me to come sooner
    @excitedforoctober thats no fair. My friemd is due a day behind me and she has her first appt the 12th
    @jess510 ok just so its normal lol
    @angel26 thanks girl prayers are appreciated!
    @trixiesmom8 thanks girl i went to the er when i was 6 weeks when theu found the cyst amd the baby was there but the hb was really low like 102 and that makes me nervous.
  • Awe but that's good they saw a hb. I didnt get to hear or see one till I was 9 weeks almost 10, and I had a couple before then too..I was nervous after having a chemical pregnancy.
  • Yea you'd think they would. Maybe you should call and tell them your concerned due to what happened last time.
  • Omg, me! I just came home from work because i've been having real bad cramps. The doctor says that its my abdominal ligaments and utureus expanding. But seriously, on a scale from 1-10 my pain is about a 8 and half. I wish i could go to the er but i know they'll send me home.
  • @perly how far are you?
  • After everything you been through it would be okay for you to just pack up and live in the hospital just to make sure baby is okay. Good luck with your pregnancy :)
  • @ripkaydence Im 12 weeks. i had my first appointment at 8 weeks.
  • @mommylovessparkles you know i agree completely hahahahhaha

    @perly i really wanna go check on my baby!!! But i don't wanna seem like "that girl"
  • And it really scares me because the last time i had pain like this i had a huge cyst that was removed and i lost my baby... i don't wanna lose this baby. but all ultrasounds show a healthy pregnancy and baby.
    I guess its just a fear of angel mommies.
  • I think it is too. I look EVERY time i wipe!! Im afraid of having twins again and one dying im afraid the baby wont grow im afraid ill loose this baby im nervous amd i just wanna see my doc!!!!
  • Is there a free clinic you can go to? I'd go in (not letting then know that you know you're pregnant) and they might do a pee test and ultrasound. I did that with my second just cuz I loved getting ultrasounds ;)
  • @mamalove well every time i go to the er they give me an u/s but that's not a bad idea
  • Everything will be fine. Even though Im scared, i stay positive. Its the only thing i have to hold on too.
  • I've never had a loss, but I still look everytime I wipe and analyze every pain and twinge. Did it with my first and now with my second. Just a nervous mama...:-)
  • I hope this doesn't come off as insensitive (I could never begin to compare)but, you might feel that way (the ominous sense of doom) until you are holding your baby in your arms. After having Uriah at 29/6 when I got preggo with Marielle, I was certain I would loose her. As weeks progressed it evolved to a fear I would loose her just before viability. I had several nightmares that I lost her between 22-24 weeks. When I made it to 25, I relaxed...a little. Then, a bit more at 28, then 30, 32, 35...and so on. But, until 37, every cramp made me "sure" I was in ptl.
  • You can't go wrong going to the er (an us pic is totally worth a six hour trip!)
  • It's ok with the things you been through it's normal but if nothing serious is going on then I would just wait. Stay positive I'm positive for you. I think u are going to have a beautiful healthy baby :)
  • Was kaydence a twin? I understand I had a chemical & miscarriage (not the same as you with kaydence) I was much earlier on. But the first 2 weeks after I found out I had extremely bad cramps and was terrified and thought every time i'd go to the bathroom that i'd have blood. :(
  • @leviluv8 yes she was
    Im cramping all.over my lower tummy. It just started after i drank a bottle of.lemon water idk if.i have gas or maybe need to.poop.but im.cramping bad. Where does cramping occur during a miscarriage?
  • Oh sweetie :-( go to the ER, have them put your mind at rest, no one can blame you after what you went through! The stress you are feeling won't be doing you or the baby any good! X
  • Well when I had my miscarriage, I literally cramped for 45 min, then I passed the baby. It was like labor. I must have been having contractions cuz it hurt like a B. If I were you i'd just go in. then you can put your mind at ease!
  • I just went like a little over a week ago. Ima find one of those parenthood places @leviluv8
  • I didn't know you were preggers again!! Contests and don't worry yourself everything is fine!
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