edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
IM 22 engaged n mi fiance is 29..both no kids..I've never been prego n he's never gotten a girl so idk who to say is the reason bt we both have been testd b r ok.. I use ovulation methods..but dnt tend to get wet on mi own.tmi.LOL even when I do I dry up fast. Could this b the reason also mi bd smokes.drinks coffee n masturbate a lot tho we have sex. :-t mayb its all that idk but we want kids soon plz pray for us. [..] best wishes to all.


  • The key is to have plenty in there BEFORE you ovulate. So there's some just waiting on the egg to arrive. To me, getting a positive on an OPK just means you're nearing the end of your fertile period. Once you get the positive, I say do it that day and the next 2 days just to be sure. Then you just have to wait and see what happens.

    Be careful on what lubes you use. KY is okay I think but make sure to read because some of them actually kill the little men so aren't conducive for TTC. Preseed works well. You have to stick it up there a few minutes before you get started and it mimics your natural fluids.

    Also, I spent hours propped up on pillows, sometimes even all night. So go to the restroom before you get started and grab a book. I'm 11 weeks with #2. It took one month of trying the 1st time and 2 months with this one. Good luck!
  • Thankx that was helpful...n I've heard preseed works. Where can I get it?
  • I had a hard time with my daughter ttc I was on 4 months of clomid before I got pregnant. I used ovulation tracking and all that jazz. The best advice I can give you. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT. The month I finally got pregnant, I decided not to do ovulation tracking, and planned a vacation with my husband to disneyworld. Well needless to say I wasn't even worried about getting pregnant, I was just relaxing.. and I got pregnant. Sometimes when tracking ovulation your body gets so tense and nervous about dropping an egg, that you don't. Try to relax and just have fun.
  • I got preseed from I also got the fertiliea and preconception tincture. (I was real desperate). Like I said, it only took one month for me so I can't for sure say how much any of these things helped. I've heard lots of women say it happened for them when they finally relaxed a little bit about it, like robinlinlee83 was saying. Seems like the key to TTC is not trying so hard sometimes. ??
  • True I agree n I try not to. I actually jus started thinkn n tryn mayb I need to relax n go bak to how it was. But thankx ladies u have been gud help. ;)
  • Oh! And don't forget the baby dust. Every order from babyhopes comes with a little pack of this glittery stuff. I didn't know what to do with it so I just sprinkled it between my mattress and the box spring. Who knows....maybe that's what did it! It's still there too. A couple pieces came out the other day when I changed the sheets. I had forgotten it was there! I'm 11 weeks.
  • I used to help me track my temperatures for ovulation. I used preseed lubricant and I propped my hips on a pillow after sex and it worked for us after trying for over a yr
  • Lol thankx for ur help and wishes PebblesMommy congrats as well hope u have a blessed n healthy pregnancy. ;)thankx for the hlp. Thankx kayleigh27 for ur help as well I will keep check that site out.
  • i tried for awile and was so stressed and i guess stress alone is enough to not let your body get pregnant sometimes bc its protecting you. so finally i came to the realization that im just not going to have a baby, its not going to happen! now im 5 months pregnant and still cannot believe it. i read that drinking coffee can make the sperm faster, and funny thing is, when i conceived my husband was working at amazon and drinking major amounts of coffee! who knows if it really had any affect but thats just what i found out, dont remember where i heard it tho, i think it was reliable tho
  • Thankx 2600wifey/) I'll keep that n mind.
  • The lubricant that is safe when trying to concieve is called pre seed you can buy it at cvs pharmacy
  • I used the app mydays! It told me when I was ovulating and was prego the next month.
  • Thankx sap74 and barbie
  • My advice frm my experience is don't use KY(use spit as per doc), relax, put pillow under butt after sex with legs up. O and did I mention RELAX! GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS!
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