i need help please

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I just got a call from my doctor letting me know I have hpv virus. Can it go away.. will it affect my baby n she also told me that I have clamydia but she said with the antibiotics it will go away I'm just scared n dnt know what to do... any suggestions please or advice


  • i have hpv. i may go away but for the most part is a virus that stays in ur body, for now on i recommend u have sex with protection because the person that have u chlaymedia gave u an std. or dont have sex at all. its not gonna effect ur baby but i can lead to cervical cancer...
  • It can go away I had hpv and it went away on its own after about 3 yrs but in rare cases it can affect baby if u have a wart outbreak but don't worry the doc will make sure baby comes out ok
  • And by the way there are many strains of hpv and a few cause genital warts
  • Are hpv and warts the same thing?
  • Yeahh they are the same. Just different strands of the virus do different things.
  • I suggest u not to stress about it stay positive!!!
  • Is there anything u can do or take to go away...
  • A lot of people have hpv. Many don't know. I have the strain that causes cervical cancer. It will cause irregular paps but so far that's all I've had to deal with and its been 3 yrs since I first found out. There is no threat to the baby, but some doctors recommend you wait for a biopsy trill after the baby if a pap is irregular because it may weaken cervix
  • I was diagnosed with hpv back in 08. Its very scary at first so asks LOTS of questions. Try to google some BUT not a lot to scare yourself! Its so hard to know what to believe. Some docs say it goes away after two years. Some say its a lifetime virus that may stay hidden or may come out.. a TON of women have it, a ton of woman have cancerous cells, but that's it. Nothing happens.. I am the one in ton that has hpv, I have cancerous cells. They did a coposcopy, aka copo, and nothing was really wrong. I had a pap a year later and it was normal, had a pap last june and it was abnormal but nothing to bad to scare the doc to give me a copo(different doc. Military docs suck) All they told me is its abnormal.

    This won't affect your baby. Also there are a bunch of different threads of hpv. Some cause other symptoms. Like warts or other stuff like itching and burning. Last time I knew there was no fda test for men so there is no way to know if a guy has it. Just wear a condom please! If you sleep with a man and he sleeps with another woman she gets it(or so I was told).. that's how it has spread sooo much.

    I hope a helped.(I may have repeated the same stuff that some1 else said. Sry)

    Just relax and enjoy your baby girl
  • Leggs2011- thank u so much u really did help but its scary I'm only 19... n my first pregnancy... but I hope it goes away...
  • hpv doesn't harm guys. but if he has it he can pass it to another girl. from what iv read
  • How would I know if he has it still...
  • tell him to get checked for stds
  • Guys can get outbreaks of warts but if its a strain that doesn't cause warts there is no way of knowing if a guy has it.
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