my daughter knows im not feeling good so she let me take a nap while she played on the bed and i guess she got bored and started kissing me to wake up it was the cutest thing ever!!!! shes 1yo
That's so cute:) my daughter did something similar, I was crying. She sat on my lap, starred at me, whipped my tear and gave me a kiss, she just starred forever. It was the cutest, sweetest thing ever. I told my self I wouldn't cry in from of her ever again. It was cute, But hurt me so bad.
Awww how sweet! My 1yr old is going through a very affectionate sweet phase right now, he puts his head on my lap out of nowhere or puts his face in mine (meaning he wants a kiss) its sooooo heart warming!
my 17month old has just had a new baby brother and he has been a star! he keeps coming up and checking hes ok and then gently gives him a kiss and lies his head on him! when baby crys he points and moans until we check baby is ok! i was so worried during ny pregnancy that they wouldnt get on or i would love this baby like i love my older son, but its amazing i love them both so much!!
My son will lay his head on my belly and kiss my belly He has always loved to push his head against mine lips for kisses but here recently he gets to excited and I have been getting busted lips.
@firsttimemom omg that is sooooo cute!!!! when i cry mine laughes at me lol @denois awwwwwww @char thats soo cute! allyssa love to blow rasperies on my belly and make loud fart noises lol i got video but my belly is so bad after having her @Wilsomom im glad i shared then:)
My 15 month old just gave me a hug and a kiss and pointed to his room for bed time. He was being so sweet all evening and just wanted to cuddle. It was like he knew I had a busy day and needed to relax.
@denois awwwwwww
@char thats soo cute! allyssa love to blow rasperies on my belly and make loud fart noises lol i got video but my belly is so bad after having her