it probably is twins!!!!!!*****update #4********

edited December 2012 in Pregnant
I am a little scared because they found a gestational sac and a yok with a hb in one and the other is either a blood sac or a nother gestational sac it also had a smaller yok by 2 days but us couldnt get a hb on that one i am now 6w 2d on the bigger one and the smaller one is 6w 0d but i find out for sure either next week or the following week we shall see but the us tech said from what she saw it was most likely a second gestational sac and on another note the first weekend after ovulation i had a dream i was pregnant with twins and lost one early on im so frantic over the whole thing uuuuhhhhhhh

Well had another us today and still no second hb doc says we most likely lost one my heart is broken but im thinking of going in for a second opinion tomorrow

Well we went in for the second opinion and turns out she is really bad a us scans anyway she couldnt find anything in either sac so i was sent home then i had super bad cramping and went in to the er again and this time they found a hb in the big one measuring 7w 0d of 170 then we saw a flickering on the second one but we couldnt get a tone so no bpm just cardiac activity and the little one is only measuring 5w 6d so only one day growth in 5 days this was all on the 4th sorry its taken me so long to update anyway doc just called today to tell me there is only one viable pregnancy at this point and time is the best medicine and to wait it out for a couple weeks but i am going to go back to my old ob on Tuesday so idk where my head is at with all of this back and forth uuuuhhhhhhh

My old ob refused to see me so i guess i go to the new ob and no news till the 18th

Well i went in early and we lost twin b :(


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