This holiday season, please...

Ladies, i know that some of us are going through some hard stuff this holiday season but i ask that you please remember to say i love you to all your loved ones. I know sometimes we can't see eye to eye with some of our family members, but it is very important that we express how we really feel.
Its true what they say, sometimes we don't know what we have until its gone and its sad to finally know when its too late. Please hold your kids tight and cover them in kisses and love. Say i love you until you can't anymore.
I realize that since losing my daughter in 2011, i have learned to cherish everything and everyone in my life. I never thought i would be so optimistic, because i would sometimes be so caught up with the negative. I have learned to be the bigger person sometimes as well, and its made so much happier.

Please, PLEASE... Cherish everything and everyone, because the smallest thing or person can be the biggest blessing. Im thankful for ALL of you and everything you have brought to my life. Im glad to be a part of this forum, and Im glad to have met you all through Pregly :)


  • I completely agree.. As I will be spending these holidays as a single mom I'm taking time out every chance to let everyone around me know how much I love them.. You never know when they won't be with you anymore
  • @lacy809 its really true. Im so sorry this has happened, and i hope that in time things fall into place for you. It will be hard and nothing will ever be the same, but you are a good, strong woman and you will one day be happy and complete again. We are all here for you.
  • Amen! I love all my family though never had any issues with anyone in my family been very blessed there and great friends. Soo this is easy task :)
  • Life is precious! I love this post. Everyone can use this reminder now and then.
  • I couldn't agree More! One of our good friends lost his 9 year old son in a car accident one year ago yesterday, and the worst part is he was the driver.. I couldn't even imagine!!
  • Losing a child no matter how old, is by far the most excruciating pain a person can ever experience. I never imagined i would have to go through something like that, but life had its own plan. However, if i had to re-live my life, i would do it all over again. I know this may sound weird, but thanks to this i am such a better person and the loss of my daughter helped me see another part of this world i didn't know existed.

    She taught me the real meaning of love, and that is something no one can take from me. I will forever be thankful to my daughter and God for this wonderful gift.
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