Yea I definitely have this problem. I'm 18 weeks. And on top of that I don't finish wat I do eat. But I try to make myself snack just so the baby won't be malnutritioned or anything.
No you don't, that's how ppl end up fat. But you should eat at least 3 times if not 4 and if you can't just buy lil snacks for in between. Apple cinnamon nutrigrain bars are my dirty little secret haha
I also have that prob.I'm 19 weeks and I have no appetite.and when I'm craving something its always bad for the baby like hot dogs -.- so I can't eat it!what I do is drink smoothies in the mornings and eat a lot of snacks through out the day but its easy to forget to eat I still have morning sickness it sucks
I just started, losing my constant appetite at the twenty two weeks mark tonight was really hungry so ate a french dip just spent two hours with diarrhea sorry tmi and gas cramps
@rissalee7 thats about the time it started getting worse. The funny thing is that the doctors say everything perfectly fine. But I do try to eat something when I find food.
I do sometimes but to be honest I make my husband get them for me from McDonald's or a smoothie cafe while I'm laying in bed..he got me prego so I feel like he should pamper me at times haha at 19 weeks I'm still having super bad morning sickness.I try to stay in bed as much as I can because its the only place I don't feel so nauseous. Also ginger ale helps me eat too.
@exitedmomma do u make ur own smoothies or what?
The funny thing is that the doctors say everything perfectly fine. But I do try to eat something when I find food.