Formula to milk

edited December 2012 in Babies "First's"
So I am trying to get Makenzie off of formula and onto milk. Her doc said she should be drinking between 24-32oz of milk a day... that seems like a lot to me! I can't even get her to drink that much formula anymore! Im lucky if she drinks 18oz of formula a day she drinks 3 6oz bottles. One when she wakes up one around 2 and then one about an hour before she goes to bed. At meals she drinks water with a splash of juice (the jucie sometimes not all the time). She has no problem drinking her formula out of a cup so that isn't an issue. I am just having a hard time with getting her on milk/formula mix (we are doing half an half for a while) at meal times.
I guess my question is..
How do I get her off the bottle when she wakes up and onto a sippy cup at breakfast with milk instead?
How much milk does your child drink a day? Is it really that much? Makenzie is already 26lbs! I don't want her to gain to much more!
Also I am not doing whole milk like the doc said I am doing soy because she didn't tollerate the milk or regular yogurt well.


  • My 18 month old weighs 26lbs we just threw the bottle away and we would had her her cup with milk she would end up drinking it if she got thirsty enough once she realized she wasn't gonna get her way she would cry but finally came around to it my little one was on soy formula but we put her on whole milk and she was fine but we couldn't give it to her at night before bed she would get a tummy ache bad
  • She only gets about 2 or 3 tippys a day if milk its manly water or juice
  • Makenzie has no problem with the cup. The only issue I am have is that the times she drinks bottles. I want them at meal times so she can have milk with meals. Because she comes to work with me she gets up at about 530-6 and has a bottle when she wakes up then at about 2 and then again at 7ish but she doesn't eat breakfast untill about 7 lunch at 1130 and dinner at 5-530. so the times are off
  • I just made the bottled disappear one day and never looked back. And that does sound like a lot of milk Lillians doctor told me no more than 16-24 oz and she usually has about 16oz.
  • That seems like a lot of milk my son pediatrician told me 16-24 oz of whole milk. Sorry am no help with the sippy and milk thing my son spits out the milk when I put it in his sippy
  • Well we just did the half and half first and since she likes it and she's not picky at all we just give it to her in sippy. She doesn't care but every baby is different so I guess just keep trying. But my daughter only does 3 bottles of 4 oz I tried giving her more she gets sick and in bad mood cause her tummy and she never could finish any more then 4oz at a time. Soo that seems way to much to me.
  • My daughter is 14mo and only had one sippy cup a day of milk b4 bed other then that it's mostrly water. Sometimes juce. As for the bottle just don't give her it anymore unless u have to. It w I'll b a few days of hell but it won't take long for her to figer out the bottles gone for good.
  • Find a sippy that works for her it took me a long time to find one that fit her she only drinks out of a cup with the rubber nipple I've tried all kinds
  • I'm lucky to get my 15 month old two drink 2 sippy cups of milk a day, he just doesnt like it and we have tried many things, he does drink ovaltine now though so atleast that is good for him! I would just give her the sippy of milk when she would normally get a bottle.... like when she wakes up early with you hand her a sippy of milk, my son gets a sippy of milk each morning while he is playing and were getting ready to go, sometimes he will have dry cereal if he is hungry. Once he gets to the babysitters he will have his breakfast around 8 and juice, lunch he will have milk with, and dinner he will have milk with, all other times of the day is usually water, sometimes half water half juice.
  • That seems like A LOT of milk!! Tessa only drinks one sippy of milk a day and it's like A half hour before bed. I think if she's eating enough food she doesn't need all that milk.
  • Jacks Dr said he only needs 12-16 oz of milk per day. He's a big boy so maybe that's why. I don't think he really drinks that much. He'll drink half then start letting it run out of his mouth. He drink mostly water
  • Maybe he mis spoke because that seems like way to much. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought so. She is already inthe 97% for her weight. No way am I giving her that much milk she would be HUGE! I think ill stick with 6oz at breakfast and lunch and then water with dinner and some milk an hour before bed.
    I got her to wait on a bottle untill breakfast today and she had one with lunch. had water with dinner and will be getting a bottle in an hour before she goes to bed at 830. Now I just need to work on remembering to actually put milk and formula in the cup.. (bad mommy lol)
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