Have really been questioning my desire to have more kids...

edited December 2012 in Pregnant
After my baby got really sick this last week. Its a little too late though since I am now 11wks pregnant. But the first thing that popped into my mind as I was in the hospital with him was "I don't want to go through this with another baby" I just can't see my babies suffer like that, they are so innocent. How do the moms that have so many kids like @wilsonmom, handle it? I would never sleep with worry! You have to be SUPER strong. I cried for days after my baby got so sick.

Honestly if I wasn't pregnant right now I probably would not want another one. Don't get me wrong, I know this baby is a blessing and I will love them just the same. After all that happened with my baby at the hospital I said to my bf "do u think this is the reason many people stop having kids after only 1?" And he responded "I think this is exactly it" ...then that horrible shooting, the evil in this world is getting worse and worse and it scares me even more to bring another innocent life into it.


  • I'm sorry, I wish I had advice. I'm so sorry you hadto go through that, I can't even imagine how scary it was. Wish I could give you a hug.
  • I am stopping after two bc I KNOW I can't handle more than that. I am a sahm, I love my son more than anything but I need to work to feel useful. My doctor gave me a prescription for Zoloft bc I am starting to get so depressed about being home all the time doing nothing. I KNOW that I work my butt off on the house, baby and being pregnant but IDK just feels like it's not enough.

    Maybe I will find out what I need to do to be able to homeschool my lo's or find a school with that you have to be buzzed into.
    Am I remembering right Ur baby needed tummy surgery and u were't able to bf? Bc if so I would have cried for days to. I half and halved my lo with formula and still cried. Bc my milk gave him gas bad!!
  • @natashalynn thanks hun, it was the scariest thing ever.

    @char no that wasn't me, my LO had a febrile seizure Tuesday night as we were both sleeping...I am not a SAHM yet, planning to after this baby is born in July and I am also worried about that too, I hope I can handle it. I am afraid I will get really lonely, hoping for the best though. Hope u feel better :)
  • @natashalynn thanks hun, it was the scariest thing ever.

    @char no that wasn't me, my LO had a febrile seizure Tuesday night as we were both sleeping...I am not a SAHM yet, planning to after this baby is born in July and I am also worried about that too, I hope I can handle it. I am afraid I will get really lonely, hoping for the best though. Hope u feel better :)
  • I am 23 and a sahm of 3 children 3 &under. Im also in full time nursing school. I know exactly how you feel. i kno its scary right now exspecially with wht u and ur lo have hone through. When i get stressed and at wits end i have to stop and think of all the good times and the events that you have to look forward too. Mothers worry. But i couldnt imagine my life any different.
  • It does get lonely being a sahm but you'll adjust and find things to do where you can interact with adults. It's hard at first, but I'm sure you'll rock it!
  • I think it depends on your personality. I have never been the person that could enjoy not having to work. Yet my bil has been at home for almost five years and now they are expecting a second in August. He is happy to stay home and do nothing not even the house he feeds the kid bc he has to. He does't drive my sil does everything.
    I am due June 30 I told him he better get his drivers license bc my car will only fit two kids. Plus I am not taking my newborn back into a hospital. When it's time he will need to drive his son to our house he ignored me.lol oh well he will figure out the hard way how fun a 5 Year old will be in a hospital for a couple days.

    I have enjoyed this year!!! After the first few months I just have a really bad fear of pad again.
  • I'm so sorry you had to go through that with your little one. It would have scared me to death! I've been through a lot with all my kids & I do worry, but I trust God will help us through anything that comes our way. I look back at all the wonderful memories & also tragedies we've made it through & it gives me hope to carry on. My oldest daughter went through broken bones, broken teeth, surgeries, hospitalization for severe illnesses, broken relationships, disappointments with friends & school, etc, but now I see her happily married with her own child & it was worth it all! She calls me all the time for advice & cooking questions, etc. & it's wonderful. I guess I've just learned how to get through each crisis one at a time. If I had 10 kids all at once or when I was 25 I wouldn't have made it! Lol I've just added one bundle of joy at a time & grown myself with each one. ( I've definitely had a lot of sleepless nights though! Lol)
  • In a way I rather have a few because if something would happen to one I would still have my other babies cuz if I only had one and lost it I would prob die too
  • @char I have been working non stop since I have been 16 so its definitely going to need alot of getting used to. Even when I was on maternity leave with my son I felt like I was going crazy after a while but I am hoping that since I will have 2 kids I will have my hands full and not have time to be bored.

    @natashalynn I hope you are right! :)

    @wilsomom you are definitely a brave lady! But you are right, there are far more happy times than the worrisome ones.
    @waitingformybaby that's the thing though, even if I have more than one if something happened to one I.still don't think I can go on.
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