Is this family picture appropriate or inappropriate?



  • @captivated, im with you about not being ashamed of your body. No one should. The human body is so cool lol. However, 4-6 year olds ask a lot of questions. They don't settle with just any response, so i think that seeing the difference between their body and the body of mommy and daddy may eventually lead to having the whole sex talk. And in my opinion, anything sex related talks should be given at an older age.
  • I would never do that, nor would I be naked around my kids at that age but as long as the children as not being abused why shouldn't the parents share their beliefs with their children.

    Some people may think it is taboo for parents to dress their children up and have them sit on a hard bench while the adults focus attention on a man, or woman, who is talking about how good of a guy the man stuck to a t is....

    As for the kids asking questions how hard is it to say "that's what the parts look like if you're older/male/female"
  • Surprising I've once seen on some talk show.. tyra banks or Dr. Phil.. maybe both.. but it was recommended to have the sex talk at an early age.. can you guess!??
    8!! I cannot image talking to my son about that in 2 yrs! Lol
    Like YNVTish said.. there's a time place.. just like everything else in life.
    But we should teach our children to be comfortable in there bodies, meaning we need to as well.
    Nothing wrong w/the pic in my eyes..if I were in a nudist community or what not.. and that was my way of life.
    Hey when you Google anything w/the word naked, nude're bond to see someone naked!
  • My mom gave the whole sex talk when she noticed early signs of puberty. So like around 10 yrs old. She said she could tell because i had weird mood swings and i was starting to be more timid about my body, when before i would run naked in front of her lol. I don't know how she was able to tell, but she said she just could. I guess she knows me more than i thought. And she was right on because when af started her monthly visits, i was all set up.
  • I got the talk around 7 I think bc our dog had pups. I think ten would be pretty old bc you want them to learn about sex from you not school. I started sex ed in the fourth grade, not sure what age that would be.
    And I agree your kids especially if you have a boy and girl are going to see the different parts. You just tell them thats what a girl/boy looks like.
  • I really don't know how it works because sex ed was a subject that was slightly touched in 7th grade. But in 9th grade i had health class and that's when i heard the talk i had already had with my mom during the summer before 5th grade.

    I think a parent should have the sex talk when they think its the right time. 8 years old is not too young, especially if the child already has questions. Im glad my mom had the talk with me when she did, because when my body started changing i wasnt afraid. I knew what was going on. It just depends. However, i do think that the sex talk should come from the parents first, then from the school. So its not a bad idea to find out when the school has sex ed so both can be on the same page.
  • I don't think it's appropriate. not the best thing to send out as your Christmas card lol.
  • Inappropriate
  • Wouldn't that be on the verge of child pornography if you're sending it in the mail as a christmas card?
  • edited December 2012
    @wilsomom... I absolutely agree.
  • Absolutely not. That's disturbing.
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  • Agreed on sending them out. By law, could be considered child porn.
  • edited December 2012
    Deff could be considered child porn. Disturbing. I dont let my son see me naked. Probably the most he has seen is me breastfeeding i dont shower with him. No. I mean i dont think being naked is omg but do i really want my son to be looking at tits, @$$, punaner, balls, n dick. No not from a grown up. No. Smh.
  • I was thinking how disturbing it must be for a teen boy to see his fully developed teen sister. Heck, it probably would even be disturbing for the dad to see that imo. @salasmommy
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  • I'm still just seeing the snowman....:( the second link didn't take me to anything different.
  • @thehumancrockpot I agree the pictures should be private other than that theres nothing wrong with it.
  • edited December 2012
    I saw a bunch of pictures through google I didn't see one exact picture. @YNVTish Text it to me.
  • I see santa on a roof when I click it, heres a better question, why were you googling that to begin with?
  • @Kimberly4411 Good point!! I really don't see a problem with the pics but never thought about looking for them.
  • @Kimberly4411 and @char ... This was a topic on my FB feed and thought it would be a great topic for preglie.
  • Haha thats makes much more sense
  • Lol I was wondering.
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