hows it being short and pregnant?
So I'm 4'11" 20 years old 100lbs and 7 weeks pregnant! I'm super excited to have my first baby but I'm scared that my body is to small to to deal with being pregnant. I know a lot of people skinner then me and an inch shorter and were okay with the pregnancy and delivery. I just wanted to know how others are doing and handling it! I want my baby to have enough room!!!
Although the only downfall is you show quicker, baby has way less room& even when they 'drop' you still are uncomfortable since they have really nowhere to drop to. Lol.
Lilmama02- everyone kept teasing me I was gonna have twins! Thankfully its only one though!
Oc86-how far along are you? That's what I'm sayin haha I'm sure it will all work just a scary thing to think about!
Excitedmomma- yay someone the same as me! Haha I can't imagine having a c-section with no pain med. It makes me hurt even thinking about it!!! I'm gonna be 8 weeks this Saturday and I weigh 106 now as well! At first I felt like I was never getting enough to eat now everything sounds soo yucky to me. I wish you the best of luck during the rest of your pregnancy!!
Babymaxisontheway- that's probably gonna be how I am too! Being short makes everything harder for me, it really frustrating for me but learning to except it. Thanks! Good luck and congrats to you too!!
Faithmom77- im hoping that I won't have to do a c section. I want to know already if I'm gonna be able to or not! How long were you in labor for? Good luck I hope this time is easier for you too!!!!