So pissed!

My husband has an issue falling asleep on the couch by like 8oclock at night... but when I work nights he's on duty and he knows not to fall asleep until after scarletts in bed obviously .. well I just called to check on them he answers the phone all groggy and I asked him how's the baby and he says I don't know hold on.... He freaking fell asleep!!! Luckily my mom came up and got her from the living room or she could've been playing alone for God knows how long! ! She's only 16 months, she could've choked on something or drown in the toilet...who knows?! Should I be this pissed or am I overreacting??? Ugghh


  • Illd be pissed too...
  • He always asks as if I'm overreacting and he's done nothing wrong! Really pisses me off! How can I avoid talking to him until Xmas, any ideas? We live together obviously but he's gotta be more responsible, I'm not speaking to him for a few days
  • I would be pissed too.
  • @scarlettsmama does anyone else live with you? Because what i would do is scare him. I would somehow have someone take her from your house while he naps that way you can call him and scare the crap out of him. It may sound mean, but if he won't understand then you need to get through hIm some other way. It would be very sad if something were to happen. Things shouldn't have to get that far for him to get the point.
  • Its really easy to not talk to someone who you live with, I do it for a week sometimes lol...and yes this would deserve that!
  • I would be pissed also and would have no problem giving someone the silent treatment living with them. I do it ro my boyfriend when im really mad and we live together.
  • I would be pissed. Makenzie's dad did this to me a week after Makenzie was born. She was in the nicu under the blue lights for Jaudice and had to wear the goggles. Well she kept trying to pull them off and the doc said that the lights could hurt her eyes well we were taking shifts staying awake making sure she kept them on and every time it was my turn to sleep id wake up and he would be sleeping...
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  • I would've been furious lil kids get into everything she could've gotten hurt ate something bad god knows what thank god she's ok men r not as cautious as us :(
  • I'd be pissed. At that age they are into everything, even if your house is 100% baby proofed something could go wrong.
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