Funny things your lil one says :)

edited December 2012 in Just for Fun
My son is just starting to talk! Finally! He is 18 months old! But my favorite thing he says is "Peas!...Mawee!" Which means "Please Mommy!" And Daddy is "Dahee!"


  • My 18 mouth old will squeal, 'EEEE!', which means eat. :-P and today he started saying cookie! Lol
  • My little one likes saying stop and uh oh , sometimes she grabs anything that looks like a phone and puts it in her ear and says Ello
  • My son just started saying loo and pointing at things does it through the whole house and stores. I use it to tell him what other things are.
  • @viviya @janet_2011 @MerandaGarcia .... so cute!! Jax is also saying "pree" which is pretty at the Christmas lights and "All done!" When he is finished eating... lol
  • makenzie doesn't really say any real words yet just mama dada gaga(grandma) nana lala baba and Hi( which is more like Haaa) but every time I turn on her show (bubble guppies) she waves at the tv and says "haa"
  • @mallory27 ... jax loves mickey mouse club he says "mou mou! " when its on lol and anytime he sees any mickey stuff lol his grandma wishes he had a word for grandma
  • Juliana points at EVERYTHING and says "what's that"
  • gia says whaaaat in this high squeaky voice lol she says hi,mama,da,hey,nothing big yet
    oh and i know this isn't a word but when her dad passes gas she mocks him by blowing rasberries lmfao
  • dillon has a ton of words (he's 15 months)...but the funniest things aren't words, it's actions. he'll burp, smile, then do a fake burp...or he'll fart and do the same thing...boys... /:-) not quite sure where he got that from, bc we never taught him that! he also goes up to the lights on christmas trees and tries to blow them out. we decorated our tree tonight and he wanted to help put decorations he's been doing it forever...haha he also loves bubble guppies @mallory27 i learned that today. turned it on and he can say bubble so during the theme song he starts going bubble! bubble! i was like uhh have you seen this before?! lol maybe his sitter has it on at her house? idk. but he is only there 2x/week and not the same days...weird.
  • He calls himself kikab (his names jacob) also the way he says turtle (his aka) tarrrtuull lol hes a parrott he says tons of stuff but those r my favorite =)
  • edited December 2012
    Every morning we look outside at the weather so I usually wake up to her on the monitor saying "Hiiiii!! Ahts ah si???" (What's outside?) Lol it's so cute.
  • My lo says a lot of Spanish words. But my all time favorite word he says is when he sees that we're watching football he puts both arms up and says "touchdown". Lol
  • I tried telling my 3 yr old daughter her daddy was now a star in the sky and she looked at me funny for a minute and said "mommy my daddy is a man" it made me laugh cause she's too smart!
  • Kynzi his around the house going choo choo
  • @Lacy809 ah how sweet :) she is a smart lil one!
  • my son loves to talk, i love it when hes looking for someone, hell put his hands on the mouth and say "are youuuuu".
    another faviorite is when he says "numma numma" (when hes hungry)
  • oh & hes obsessed with spongebob, so he says "somb bob?"
    & when he sees mickey is on he screams, "MIKKEEEYYY"
  • Off topic but I seen you made a post I got a temporary job & been working for the past couple of days !!! @maymommy2011
  • @ebbry89 ... Yay!!!!! Getting out of the house helps a whole lot:) so happy
  • @devins_mommy jax says mou moi for mickey and Bob for sponge Bob :)
  • My oldest is all "no" and "mine!" My mom asked her if she was going to see Santa she loudy said "no!" And when I asked her if she liked Santa she said "no!"
  • i love the way they say no.... dunno why!
  • Lana is 14 months and the cutest thing she says is this and that lol. She also says hello when answering the phone, mama, dada, baba (grandma), papu (grandpa), Kelly, i love you, bye, kisses, Jesus, pop, mine, she replies with yes and no.. i can go on and on she has a huge vocabulary for being 14 month.
  • Anytime Lily eats or even sees food she says mmmmm really loud
  • My MIL taught ny daughter the sign for please so anytime she sees something she wants she does it, or when we ask what do you say when we give her something its so cute!
  • My lo carries around a stuffed animal puppy & makes whining puppy noises, it's too cute.
  • My 16 month old dropped her baby the other day and screamed with her hands on her cheeks "Oooh my gosh" clear as day. Lol other than that, she says momma, Eli, mom, dada, please, hungry, cookie, oh my gosh, uh oh, oh no and more. Lol she calls me momma and my mom "mom" I guess because she hears everyone call her that.
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